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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Joining Technologies for Automotive Lightweight Structures
Presentation Title An Investigation of the Behaviour of Self-Piercing Riveting in Al-Mg-Si Aluminium Alloys
Author(s) Hanaa Ibtes, Nina Edmonds, Carla Barbatti, Chamini L. Mendis, Yan Huang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hanaa Ibtes
Abstract Scope Experimental studies have been carried out to understand the performance of high strength automotive Al-Mg-Si alloys joined by Self Piercing Riveting (SPR) technology, in terms of joint structure, mechanical properties, failure mechanism, and corrosion resistance.Four Al-Mg-Si alloys were tested under a variety of joining conditions with or without adhesives, using a C-type frame Henrob SPR equipment.Joint structures were examined by optical and electron microscopy.Lap-shear, and T-peel tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical behaviour.Immersion tests were conducted to assess the corrosion response of the joints.The addition of fresh adhesives was found to have significantly increased the joint strength. Material flow pattern and interactions between the matrix material and the rivet surface exhibited considerable impact on the joint structure and corrosion behaviour.Further examination under fatigue testing will be performed, in combination with computer simulation, will be performed to gain more comprehensive understanding of the SPR joint performance for the material.


An Investigation of the Behaviour of Self-Piercing Riveting in Al-Mg-Si Aluminium Alloys
Effect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA6061-T6
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Adjustable-Ring-Mode Laser Welded and Hot-Stamped Al–Si Coated Boron Steel Joints
Numerical Simulation and Validation of Linear Friction Welding of Al F357 to SS304
Simultaneous Joining and Forging of a Lightweight Structural Component by Electrically Assisted Pressure Joining

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