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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Reduction Technology Joint Session with REWAS: Decarbonizing the Metals Industry
Presentation Title Building of a Superconductor Busbar at 200 kA for an Aluminium Plant
Author(s) Wolfgang Otto Reiser, Viktor Stark, Till Reek
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wolfgang Otto Reiser
Abstract Scope Superconductors have reached industrial readiness and there are first superconducting applications and demonstrators. Superconductors are conducting direct current with extremely high densities of more than 500A/mm˛. Further advantages are loss-free transmission and a low carbon footprint. This paper explains the current evolution steps that had been undertaken to develop an industrial-ready technology into real industrial applications for the aluminium industry. The paper explains the design of a 200 kA demonstrator with the target to complement an existing aluminium plant and covers the following points: - Current status of superconducting high-current DC development and applications - Motivation and overview of the DEMO200 project - Design of a 200 kA busbar, current lead and connections - Technical layout of currents, magnetic fields and forces - Design and construction of the test stand for a 200 kA system A conclusive status of the project and an outlook for further applications will be given.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Sustainability, Other


Building of a Superconductor Busbar at 200 kA for an Aluminium Plant
Bus Bars FSW Repair during Full Operation of Alumina Electrolysis
Cooling of Pot Gas Enabling Carbon Footprint Reductions
Research on Low Temperature Aluminium Electrolysis Charging Recovery System of Renewable Energy Cycle Power Generation System
Stabilizing Electrolysis Cells with Oscillating Currents: Amplitude, Frequency and Current Efficiency
The Contribution and Economics of Demand Side Response towards Decarbonizing the Aluminium Industry

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