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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Emergent Materials under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Presentation Title Evolution of Structure, Electrical, and Optical Properties in Ti-doped In2O3 Nanocrystals under Pressure
Author(s) Xuqiang Liu, Yandong Wang , Wenge Yang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xuqiang Liu
Abstract Scope Metal-doped In2O3 oxides have been widely used in transparent conductive devices with their excellent electrical and optical properties. Improving conductivity would promote huge industrial market for advanced applications. Here we report our systematical investigations of the Ti-doped In2O3 on the crystalline structure, electric conductivity and optical band gap under high pressure and the excellent promotion on the properties after pressure treatment. The Ti-doped In2O3 nanocrystals undergoes a structural phase transition (b-TIO to c-TIO) beyond 17.5 GPa, and the high pressure c-TIO phase can be quenched to ambient conditions. The pressure treated c-TIO shows two orders of magnitude enhancement in electric conductivity without much degradation on the optical transparency. These findings not only help us to understand the pressure effects on the crystalline structure, electrical and optical properties of metal-doped Ti-doped In2O3 oxides under extreme conditions but also provide a practical route to synthesize new transparent conductive materials with better performance.


Characterizing Disordered Crystalline Materials with Pauling’s Rules
Evolution of Structure, Electrical, and Optical Properties in Ti-doped In2O3 Nanocrystals under Pressure
Giant Pressure-induced Enhancements in Electronic Transport and Photoelectric Properties in 2D and 3D Structures
High-speed X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Analysis of Microscale Shock Response of a Mock Additively Manufactured Energetic Material
High Pressure & Temperature Investigation into Thorium Orthosilicates
Investigations of Materials under Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Using Synchrotron and Complementary Techniques
Technology Development of In-situ Corrosion Kinetics and Salt Property Measurements

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