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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advancements in Lightweight Composites, Materials & Alloys
Presentation Title Core-Shell Dispersoids of Re-Aged Al-6Cu-0.5Mn-2Ni Alloy at 300°C: An Understanding of Their High-Temperature Stability
Author(s) Diya Mukherjee, Himadri Roy, Manidipto Mukherjee, Nilrudra Mandal, Dong Qiu, Mark A Easton
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Diya Mukherjee
Abstract Scope Heat-resistant aluminum alloys are crucial in aerospace and automotive industries but commercial Al alloys lose their strength at higher temperatures due to rapid precipitate coarsening. Specifically, θ'-Al2Cu precipitates in Al-Cu alloys coarsen above 250°C into low-aspect ratio θ precipitates. The current research aims to enhance thermal stability by adding Mn, Ni, Sc, Zr, and Ti, creating T-Al20Cu2Mn3 and Al7Cu4Ni phases and Al3(Sc, Zr, Ti) core-shell dispersoids. These additions promote fine θ' precipitate formation and inhibit coarsening, maintaining high ultimate tensile strength 216 MPa with 8.8% ductility at 300°C. Atomic-scale characterization reveals solute segregation at grain boundaries and dispersoids being crucial for stabilizing interfaces. After 100h of thermal exposure at 200°C, the developed alloy retains 75% of its strength compared to peak aging conditions at 250°C by increasing T-phase re-precipitation. This approach could broaden the use of lightweight, high-temperature structural materials.


A Study on Fabrication of a Hybrid Composite Metal Foam Using Aluminum Alloy, Cermet Hollow Spheres and Titanium-Hydride Powder for Higher Energy Absorption Applications
Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites for Electric Vehicle Powertrain Applications
Assessment and Selection of Mg-Based Alloys and Composites by Grey Relational Analysis for Fracturing Applications
Atomistic Modelling of Dislocation Behaviour in Stoichiometric and Off-Stoichiometric γ-TiAl
Automated Image Segmentation for High-Throughput Microstructure Analysis to Aid Aluminum Alloy Development
Core-Shell Dispersoids of Re-Aged Al-6Cu-0.5Mn-2Ni Alloy at 300°C: An Understanding of Their High-Temperature Stability
Effect of Dispersion Technique and Applied Load on the Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Combined Stir-Squeeze-Cast AA6061-0.5 wt. % CNT Composite at Both Room Temperature and Elevated Temperature
Enhancing the Strength of Aluminum-Boron Carbide Composites to a High Degree by Magnesium Addition for Use in Automotive Applications
Establishing the Influence of Indentation Size Effect of Industrially Relevant Ti Alloys
Friction Stir Welding and Parametric Optimization of AA6061-T6 and Ti6Al4V Alloys with Nickel Interlayer
Gradient Alloying as a Combinatorial Approach for the Discovery of 100% Secondary Content Aluminum Alloys
High-Throughput Mapping of Thermal-Mechanical Properties of Cast Alloy Microstructural and Thermal Process Variation via Hot Shear Punch Method
High Temperature Tensile Strength and Creep Behavior of an L12 Strengthened Al-Ce Alloy
Improvement of Ti-6Al-4V Wear Performance through Various Surface Modifications
In-Situ Synthesis of New Aluminium-Boride Composites by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using a Ball-Milled Precursor Powders
Influence of Solution Treatment Temperatures on the Grain Size of Wrought CuCrZr
Innovative Carbon Metal Composite Wires for Electric Motors
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of (SiC+TiC) Dispersed AlSi10Mg Based Surface Composite Developed by Laser Composite Surfacing
Monotonic Tensile Behavior of CuCrZr at Room Temperature
Nitridation-Based Self Forming of Al6061/SiC Composites
Novel Nanocomposite High-Temperature Thermoelectric Materials
Powder Fabrication and Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Highly-Reinforced, High-Strength Aluminum Alloys
Q-Analysis of Lightweight Magnetic High Entropy Alloys for Applications in Aerospace
Reinforcing Characteristics, Electrical, and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Irvingia Wombolu/CNTs Hybrid Reinforced Al-7Si-2Cu-0.5Ni Eco-Composite Inoculated by Al-Nb-V-Zr Master Alloy
Strengthening In-Situ Fe-Aluminide Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Through an Optimized Twostep Thermal Processing Method; Sintering and Uniaxial Forging
Utilization of Agricultural Waste for Reinforce Epoxy Resin Composite

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