Abstract Scope |
Given their similar crystal structure and bonding characteristics, ZrN and CeO2 serve as nonradioactive surrogates in nuclear fuel studies, mimicking the irradiation behavior of UN, ThN, and UO2, respectively. ZrO2 has also been explored as an inert matrix fuel. Nitride fuels, with their higher thermal conductivity and melting points, present promising alternatives to traditional oxide fuels, thereby enhancing reactor safety and performance. Our studies on nanostructured ZrN demonstrate that ion irradiation modifies its interface volume and induces grain growth. Grain size increases sublinearly, approaching saturation at high ion fluences. While both electronic energy loss and atomic collisions contribute to grain growth, the predominant electronic energy from highly ionizing ions can effectively induce growth. The stability of nanostructured oxide and nitride surrogates under ion irradiation is discussed, highlighting the importance of understanding the coupling of electronic and atomic processes to predict nuclear fuel performance under radiation extremes. |