About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Powder Materials Processing and Fundamental Understanding
Presentation Title |
PowderJet: An Agile System for High Quality Metal Powder Production via Droplet-on-Demand Metal Jetting |
Author(s) |
Viktor Sukhotskiy, Alexander Baker, Jesse Ahlquist, Eric S. Elton, Alexandre Reikher, Hunter B. Henderson, Shahryar Mooraj, Jesus Rivera, Andrew Pascall |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Viktor Sukhotskiy |
Abstract Scope |
Leading metal additive manufacturing (AM) techniques require specially prepared spherical metal powders to produce high quality functional parts. The performance of these parts depends on the quality and composition of powder, but powder production technologies have shortcomings including asphericity or porosity. Here we present a new powder-production platform, PowderJet, which produces metal powders in a controlled environment by ejecting arrays of liquid metal droplets through a multi-orifice nozzle using electromagnetic pulses. This approach fundamentally differs from traditional stochastic powder-production methods, since powder size, distribution and purity are tightly controlled. We discuss system operation, performance, and key tunable parameters through a joint experimental and computational fluid dynamics framework. We also discuss initial results with Al, Cu, and Ce powder production. PowderJet will accelerate discovery and optimization of alloys for AM through bespoke powder production. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-863309 |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |