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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fracture Modeling of Composite Materials
Presentation Title An Integrated Computational and Experimental Framework to Understand the Competing Failure Mechanisms in Metal Matrix Composites
Author(s) Yan Li, Jun Cao, Cyril Williams
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yan Li
Abstract Scope The development of high performance MMCs requires careful microstructure design which can improve fracture toughness while maintaining high strength. In metal matrix composite materials, reinforcement cracking and interface debonding are two competing failure mechanisms observed during the crack-reinforcements interactions. In this paper, we propose an integrated computational and experimental framework which elucidates the competing failure mechanisms by considering the effect of microstructure and loading conditions. The systematic studies focus on Al/SiC metal matrix composites. The cohesive parameters employed in the computational models are calibrated through Digital Image Correlation analysis.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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