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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Manufacturing, Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Functional Materials
Presentation Title Compressive Behavior of NiMnGa Parts Fabricated by Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Stephen Isacco, Christopher Y. Bansah, Matthew P. Caputo, Constantin Virgil Solomon
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Constantin Virgil Solomon
Abstract Scope Solid and gyroid cube geometries had been fabricated by binder jet additive manufacturing from NiMnGa prealloyed powders. Sintering of cured parts was performed at temperatures between 1000</0>C and 1080</0>C for time intervals up to 20.5 hours. The compressive stress-strain curves were determined by combining the stress values calculated using the calibrated loading cell and sample geometry, and the strain calculated using digital image correlation and tracking. The sintering conditions are responsible for part’s final density, which play a determinant role in the part’s compressive behavior. Fracture analysis of compressed parts indicate a dual trans-, inter-granular brittle failure mechanism. Numerical modeling of part’s compressive behavior was performed using ANSYS Workbench. In order to account for part porosity, the part model was obtained by micro CT scanning of a 3D printed part. Good qualitative agreement had been obtained between the model and experimental data for compressive behavior of 3D printed NiMnGa parts.


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