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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrical Steels
Presentation Title A New Approach to Optimise the Microstructure of Non-oriented Electrical Steel Sheets
Author(s) Saeed Tamimi, Youliang He, Winfried Kockelmann, Leo Kestens
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Saeed Tamimi
Abstract Scope It is well established that shear plastic deformation together with annealing can promote the formation of <100> in non-oriented electrical steel (NOES) sheets. This shear plastic deformation can be achieved through repetitive bending and unbending. This work introduces a novel deformation process of repetitive-bending-under-tension (RBUT) to modify the texture of a NOES sheet. In this process, the strips are subjected to repetitive bending and unbending by sliding a set of rollers over the length of the piece when pulled under tension. The deformed strips were then heat-treated under different conditions. Macro- and micro-texture characterisation confirmed that the RBUT process significantly reduced the undesired {111} texture while promoting the {001} texture. The results also indicated that the metallic strips subjected to RBUT could be deformed uniformly and beyond their standard formability limit. This may provide an alternative technique to address the poor workability challenge of high-silicon-NOES sheets.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Magnetic Materials, Process Technology


A New Approach to Optimise the Microstructure of Non-oriented Electrical Steel Sheets
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The Processing and Application of Fe-6.5%Si Ribbons and Flakes
The Role of Temper Rolling and Annealing on the Magnetic Property Improvement of a Low Si Non-oriented Electrical Steel

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