About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Materials and Chemistry for Molten Salt Systems
Presentation Title |
Understanding Coarsening of Dealloyed Ni-20Cr in a Molten Salt Environment Through the Comparison of Phase-Field Simulations to 4-D Experiments |
Author(s) |
W. Beck Andrews, Ellery Hendrix, Xiaoyang Liu, Karen Chen-Wiegart, Katsuyo Thornton |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
W. Beck Andrews |
Abstract Scope |
Molten salts are promising as a heat-transfer and fuel-carrying medium in nuclear reactors, but corrosion of structural metals in molten salt environments is a major concern. Corrosion is a complex process involving the electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and kinetics of the salt-metal system. To build fundamental understanding, this work considers the coarsening of a porous Ni metal structure formed by dealloying in molten KCl-MgCl2. During coarsening, the evolution of the system depends on the initial microstructure, the rate-limiting transport and/or reaction mechanisms, and timescales that take into account the relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. In this talk, the various mechanisms that may play a role in molten salt corrosion will be reviewed, and an integrated experimental-simulation workflow that combines phase-field simulation and 4-D X-ray nanotomography to determine the associated parameters and resulting timescale will be described. By analyzing these parameters and timescales, we aim to identify the controlling coarsening mechanism. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Characterization, Nuclear Materials |