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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing and Alloy Design: Bridging Fundamental Physical Metallurgy, Advanced Characterization Techniques, and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Advanced Materials
Presentation Title Solidification Condition Effect on Cracking Behavior in Rene 80 Thin-wall Components Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition
Author(s) Can Sun, Hamedreza Seyyedhosseinzadeh, Changjie Sun, Alexander L. Kitt, Lang Yuan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Can Sun
Abstract Scope In this study, a strong correlation has been identified between cracking behavior and solidification conditions in directed energy deposition (DED) processed Rene 80 thin walls by exhibiting the effect of the temperature gradient (G) and solidification rate (vt) on microstructure characteristics, including grain and subgrain texture, morphology, and sizes. The results indicate that high G and vt would lead to refined grains with a low frequency of high misorientation angle degrees, effectively inhibiting the formation of cracks. Primary dendrite arm spacing (PDAS) and secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS), controlled by G and vt, impact the elemental segregation associated with cracking formation and interdendritic liquid permeability associated with potential cracking initiation site. Additionally, the simplified Rappaz-Drezet-Gremaud (RDG) criterion was applied and further demonstrated the relationship between cracking formation and solidification condition. These findings offer insights into inhibiting crack formation in DED-processed Ni-based superalloy by controlling solidification conditions.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt, Solidification


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Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) for Improved Ti64 Feedstocks for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes
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Comparative Analysis of DED and LPBF on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NiSi11.9Co3.4 and NiSi11.2Mo1.8 Alloys
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Design of additively manufactured Al-Ni-Zr-Er Alloys with enhanced thermally stable strength and ductility
Design of an Aluminum Alloy Based on Stable Nanoparticles for Achieving Uniformly Refined Grain Structure in Laser Metal Additive Manufacturing
Designing a Wire Feedstock from Recycled Aluminum for Additive Manufacturing
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Detection and classification of cracking via acoustic emission in laser-melting experiments
Development and Validation of Topology Optimization Methodologies for Lattice Structured Architectures
Development of additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel with excellent strength and ductility combination through Ti addition
Development of aluminum copper alloys for LPBF applications via in situ alloying of commercial powders
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Heat Treatment of QT 17-4+ Steel: Impacts on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Resistance
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Investigating the influence of heat treatment on LPBF IN718 with varied beam shapes: insights into static and dynamic mechanical properties
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Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Thermal Expansion Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion fabricated IN718-YSZ Compositionally Graded Composite
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Conductivity of CuNiSi Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Modeling of L-PBF from microstructures to properties
Nano-treated Aluminum Alloy 2024 with Exceptional Strength and Ductility via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Navigating Additive Manufacturing Processing Space via Multi-Scale Microscopy
Next generation of structural materials through additive manufacturing
Non-equimolar Cantor high entropy alloy fabrication using metal powder cored wire arc Hot Wire Laser Deposition additive manufacturing
Operando temperature and phase mapping with polarization contrast neutron imaging during laser powder bed fusion of multi-materials
Optimising process parameters in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V: Understanding melt pool dynamics and pore splitting phenomena using ultra-high-speed synchrotron radiography
Oxide dispersion strengthened 718 Ni alloy fabricated through direct energy deposition
Precipitate strengthening design method for a high strength AlMgMnScZr alloy through LPBF
Precipitation reactions in supersaturated nickel-based superalloys: A Multi-length-scale study
Predictive Modeling of Grain Morphology and Phase Fraction in Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Coupled Thermal Simulation, a PF-CA model, and a Kinetic Model
Process and Properties Relationships of Solidification in Solid-Solution Ni-Based Superalloys Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Quantifying Thermal History in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using In-Situ Sensing Techniques
Rapid Estimation of the Liquidus Curve for Unexplored Multicomponent Alloy Chemistries
Rationalizing process-parameter dependent microstructure evolution of case-hardening steel 16MnCr5 through FEM-based thermal modelling
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Semi-autonomous Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Decision Maker Preference for Improving Performance and Manufacturability of Refractory High Entropy Alloy
Solidification behavior and dissolution mechanism of Laves phase in additively manufactured Inconel 718
Solidification Condition Effect on Cracking Behavior in Rene 80 Thin-wall Components Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition
Strength enhancement of Al alloy via microstructure design strategy using Laser powder bed fusion
Superior Strengthening via Nanoscale Lamellae in Eutectic Multi-Principal Element Alloy Additively Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
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The Use of Extraction Replication to Study Nano Precipitates in Powder Feedstocks and the Corresponding Additively Manufactured Builds
Towards Autonomy in the Additive Manufacturing of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Towards Successful Additive Manufacturing of NiMnGa Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys: Laser Surface Remelting
Twin-related Grain Boundary Engineering of 316L Stainless Steel by Laser Additive Manufacturing
Understanding The Role of Coherent Nano Precipitates On Stacking Fault and Deformation Twin Formation in Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Nickel-Aluminum-Bronze
Uniformity Analysis of SLM-Printed 316L Stainless Steel and Inconel 718: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Across Different Block Locations
Using ICME to design a novel high strength, printable, and burn resistant Nickel-based superalloy for re-usable rocket engines
Using rapid thermal treatment of oriented microstructures to enable fine-resolution additive manufacturing
Visualization of Solidification under Additive Manufacturing Conditions

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