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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium DMMM5: A Decade of Creating Inclusion and Belonging for Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions
Presentation Title Breaking Barriers and Materials: Uncovering Constance Tipper's Impact on Metallurgy and Inclusion
Author(s) Mengying Liu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mengying Liu
Abstract Scope This talk delves into the pioneering work of Constance Tipper (Elam) and her hidden influence on materials science and metallurgy as a woman scientist. While Tipper's research on the ductile-to-brittle transition in metals marked a significant advancement in metallurgy, two of her equally groundbreaking contributions remain largely overlooked. Tipper's early contribution to the theory of dislocation and her pioneering application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study metal fractures at a microstructural level established a vital precedent in materials mechanics. Tipper's achievements advanced materials engineering and laid the groundwork for future generations of women in this domain. Building on Tipper's inspiring journey, we highlight the historical progress in gender diversity, foster a sense of belonging for diverse professionals, and discuss strategies for motivating and supporting the younger generation, particularly women and underrepresented groups, to overcome persistent barriers in science and engineering.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Decade of DMMM Impact
Best Practices for Resume Review and Hiring Panels—Hands on Activity
Black Sheep—The Choice is Yours (Revisited)
Breaking Barriers and Materials: Uncovering Constance Tipper's Impact on Metallurgy and Inclusion
Creating a Trauma Informed Environment: A Survivors Perspective
Going International
Materials Research in Industry
Professional Development as a Structural Materials Researcher
Which Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence From 600 Colleges and Universities

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