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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Defects and Properties of Cast Metals
Presentation Title Controlling Freckle Defect Formation Using Magnetic Fields
Author(s) Andrew Kao, Ivars Krastins, Natalia Shevchenko, Sven Eckert, Koulis Pericleous
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Andrew Kao
Abstract Scope Freckles are a common microstructural defect that leads to discontinuity in material properties of cast alloys, that form when solute channels solidify. X-ray radiography experiments using a GaIn alloy have captured the freckle formation process in situ. Applying a static magnetic field to the process, introduces two phenomena. The first is Electromagnetic damping that slows flow across flux lines, the second is a thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic force that encourages flow between dendrites. Using TESA, the Thermoelectric Solidification Algorithm, running in parallel on a high performance computing cluster, a validated microscopic numerical model has been developed that captures the inter-dendritic flow that feeds the emerging freckle at the scale of the experimental sample. The simulations increase our understanding of this process and show that judicious application of the magnetic field can disrupt the formation of freckles and has the potential to eliminate them.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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