Abstract Scope |
A series of equimolar five-component MB2 [Scientific Reports 2016], MB [Scripta 2020], M3B4 [JAC 2021], MB4 [JECS 2020] and MB6 [JECS 2021], borides, perovskite [Scripta 2018], fluorite [JECS 2018] and pyrochlore [Scripta 2020] oxides, silicides [JMat 2019] and aluminides [Science Bulletin 2019] have been fabricated in the single-phase, dense, bulk form in our lab, which demonstrated the diversity of high-entropy ceramics (HECs). Furthermore, we proposed to extend HECs to “compositionally complex ceramics (CCCs)” [JECS 2020; JMS 2020], where non-equimolar compositions can outperform their equimolar counterparts and other complexities (e.g., short- and long-range cation ordering) can be further introduced. Further expansion include the discoveries and investigation of dual-phase HECs/CCCs [JECS 2020] and order-disorder transitions in many-cation (>10 components) single-phase HECs/CCCs [Acta 2021 and unpublished results]. We have also observed the formation of single-phase HECS/CCCs in a crystal structure that none of the individual components is stable, thereby suggesting new possibilities. |