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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Alumina & Bauxite
Presentation Title Statistical Modelling of Operating Parameters on Bauxite Slurry Hyperbaric Filtration
Author(s) Clara Veiga Ferreira de Souza, Eduardo Moreira, Enio Laubyer, Fabricia Ferreira, Antonio Silva, Raimundo Neto
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Clara Veiga Ferreira de Souza
Abstract Scope The Hydro Alunorte refinery receives bauxite slurry used in the alumina production from Mineração Paragominas, both sites located in Pará – Brazil. This bauxite slurry is transported via pipeline and dewatered in hyperbaric filters located in Alunorte. To improve the overall equipment effectiveness of the dewatering plant, this work evaluated the influence of the rotation speed, basin level, and slurry density on the filters' productivity by applying a factorial design. The experiment, which was carried out on the industrial filters, complemented the outcome of a previous investigation executed on a laboratory scale using slurry density, top size, and pH as control factors to assess the solids throughput through Box Behnken Design. Results indicated that a top size reduction decreases productivity by up to 20%. However, an increase in density, rotation, and basin level proved to offset this loss.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


Digestion Efficiency Improvement of Gibbsite-boehmite Bauxite
Effect of Thermal Activation Temperature on Pre-desilication of Low-grade Bauxite
Granulometry Impact on Digestion Efficiency and Cost-economics in Alumina Refinery for East Coast Bauxite (INDIA)
Hematite and Anatase Conversion to Magnetic Phases During Reductive Re-digestion of Gibbsitic Bauxite Residue
Improvement Seminars: Continuous Improvement and People´S Engagement to Support the Sustainability
Process Simulation with Tertiary Cyclone for Kaolinite Removal from Amazonian Bauxite Reduction in Mineral Processing
Reduction of GHG Emissions and Increase Operational Reliability using Immersed Electrode Boiler in an Alumina Refinery
Statistical Modelling of Operating Parameters on Bauxite Slurry Hyperbaric Filtration
Steam Grid Stability using Advanced Process Control and Real Time Optimization in an Alumina Refinery
Study of Repeatability and Reproducibility in Analyzes of Available Alumina and Reactive Silica in Bauxites
Turning Bauxite Residue to Metal Adsorption Materials through a Low-cost Approach
Zero Waste Alumina Production

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