About this Abstract |
Meeting |
TMS Specialty Congress 2025
8th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2025)
Presentation Title |
A Microstructure Modelling Framework for Multi-Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V |
Author(s) |
Hugh James Banes, Prashant Jadhav, Magnus Anderson, Hector Basoalto |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Hugh James Banes |
Abstract Scope |
Widespread adoption of additive manufacturing techniques for titanium alloys is currently limited by uncertainty in the microstructure variations introduced by the process. Novel heat sources, including Multiple-Laser Powder Bed Fusion (M-LPBF), have potential to improve part quality, however the relation between the processing parameters and final microstructure is not fully understood. To address this, an ICME framework has been developed, using a Representative Volume Element (RVE) approach to simulate the thermal fields induced by the laser-powder system, and two microstructure models. The Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kologorov (JMAK) description of the solid-state transformation in titanium, and a Cellular Automata (CA) description of the solidification and growth kinetics of the β phase structure. This framework was applied to M-LPBF cases, with a series of scanning strategies computed and microstructures examined. The combination of single-track scans and multiple-layer hatches tested with focused and defocused additional lasers revealed that in certain cases beneficial microstructures could be achieved. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Undecided |