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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Local Chemical Ordering and Its Impact on Mechanical Behaviors, Radiation Damage, and Corrosion
Presentation Title Thermodynamical and Kinetical Aspects of Stacking Fault Segregation
Author(s) Andreas Bezold, Nicolas Karpstein, Jan Vollhüter, Erdmann Spiecker, Michael Mills, Steffen Neumeier
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Andreas Bezold
Abstract Scope The occurrence of solute segregation towards planar defects during high-temperature deformation in superalloys and its importance for creep strength became increasingly evident in recent years. In this work, we investigate thermodynamical and kinetical aspects of solute segregation in a CoNi-base superalloys. High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements reveal that the equilibrium composition along these atomic-scale defects depends on the composition of the host phase, the corresponding bulk phase of the defect phase and the thickness of the defect phase. Our investigations indicate that defect phases with over eight layers already exhibit a bulk-like composition. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of these segregation processes is presented by investigating the segregation profile of stacking faults over 4 orders of magnitude (30 seconds to 200 hours) at 850 °C. Using the obtained results, we propose strategies to include these aspects for alloy design to create alloys with enhanced creep strengths.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, High-Temperature Materials, Phase Transformations


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FYL-CVM: A Thermodynamic Model With Intrinsic Chemical Short-Range Order
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Imaging of Short Range Order With Electron Microscopy: From High Performance Alloys to Semiconductor Thin Films
Impacts on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Due to Chemical Short-Range Order in CoCrNi and CrNi2 Alloys
Influence of Irradiation-Induced Ordering on Defect Evolution in BCC MPEAs
Investigation of Chemical Short-Range Order Impact on Melting Point and Generalized Stacking Fault Energy in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
J-43: Temperature-Dependent Behavior of Local Chemical Ordering in the Structure of CrCoNi
Neutron Irradiation Induced Local Chemical Ordering in CrFeMnNi and CrFeMnNiTiAl Compositionally Complex Alloys
On the Formation of Interstitial Solute Ordered Complexes in bcc High-Entropy Alloys From First-Principles
Predicting Diffusion Kinetics and its Resulting Local Chemical Ordering in Compositionally Complex Materials
Predicting Short-Range Order in Complex Concentrated Alloys - A Tale of DFT and Data-Driven Approaches
Probing Short Range Order of in Ni4Mo Through Total Scattering
Recent Advances in Short-Range Ordering in Multicomponent Materials
Revealing Short-Range Order in Refractory Multiprincipal Element Alloy: Implications for Oxidation Resistance
Role of Local Chemical Ordering on the Strengthening Properties of Structural Alloys
Role of Locally Ordered Noble Metallic Inclusions on Charged Species Transport and Oxide Growth
Short and Medium-Range Order in Novel Battery Materials
Short Range Order and Effects on Mechanical Properties of Medium-Entropy CrCoNi
Statistical Analysis of the Yield Strength of Random Alloys
The Effects of Short-Range Order on Defect Energy Statistics in Concentrated Solid Solutions
The Interplay Between Short-Range Order and Radiation Damage in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Thermodynamical and Kinetical Aspects of Stacking Fault Segregation
Total Scattering: A Powerful Technique for the Characterisation of Local Structure
Tuning Chemical Short-Range Order in Metallic Alloys via Thermomechanical Processing

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