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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium IGNITE MSE: Thinking Outside the Lab
Presentation Title ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors’ Kit Outreach Initiatives
Author(s) Hugh B. Smith, Christine Brockman, Shannon Rogers, Nathan McIlwaine
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nathan McIlwaine
Abstract Scope The ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA), the student leadership committee within ACerS, has developed K-12 lesson plans and other supporting material for the ACerS Mini Materials Demo Kit, lowering the barrier for teachers or volunteers to bring these materials science activities into the classroom. Teachers may be interested in using the Mini Materials Demo Kits but lack the materials science background to write a full lesson or incorporate the demos into their curriculum. Many active ACerS members are interested in supporting STEM outreach opportunities but may lack the resources to coordinate elaborate activities. PCSA has created resources to give teachers or volunteers necessary scientific background, detailed demo instructions, discussion questions, and resources for scaling up activities for larger audiences. We have already introduced many teachers to these resources and will work to expand our classroom network.


A Case Study for Outreach and Education Across Traditional Crafts and Materials Sciences
ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors’ Kit Outreach Initiatives

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