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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Scandium Extraction and Use in Aluminum Alloys
Presentation Title Scandium in the Additive Manufacturing of In-Situ TiB2 and TiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composites for Improved Mechanical Properties
Author(s) Huan Li, Xiaoming Wang, Xinghang Zhang, Tao Wang, Jerome Fourmann, Paul Rometsch
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xiaoming Wang
Abstract Scope Additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy matrix composites containing scandium (Sc) and in-situ TiB2 and TiC particles results in improved mechanical properties. The improvement is attributed to enhanced nucleation of aluminum grains during solidification and the uniform dispersion of the reinforcing particles. Laser powder bed fusion alters the reinforcing particles and promotes the nucleation of aluminum grains in the melt pool under a high cooling rate. Refining the reinforcing particles and aluminum grains leads to the increase of a yield strength (YS) to 425Mpa and an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) to 475Mpa while maintaining an elongation of 16% for Al-Mg reinforced with TiC particles, while to 370 MPa YS, 450 MPa UTS, and an elongation of 7% for an Al-Cu reinforced with TiB2 particles. A good combination of strength and ductility has achieved through laser powder bed fusion.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Aluminum, Composites


Effect of Sc/Zr and Thermomechanical Processing on the Microstructure and Properties of AA5083 Rolled Products
Examination of Intermetallic Phases in Al-Fe-Ni Alloys with Scandium
L12-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys for Conventional and Additive Manufacturing
Optimizing Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloys for Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Precipitation Behaviour in Al-Cu-Li Alloys Containing Sc And Zr
Scandium in the Additive Manufacturing of In-Situ TiB2 and TiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composites for Improved Mechanical Properties
Study of Precipitates Formed During Solidification and Post-Solidification Stage in Low-Sc Al-Mg-Sc Alloys
The Effect of Sc and Zr Dispersoids on the Final Properties of a 6xxx Series Extrusion Alloy

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