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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Nano and Micro Additive Manufacturing
Presentation Title Spatial Polymer-Free 3D Nanoprinting of Advanced Materials Using Optical Force Brush and Two-Photon Decomposition Methods
Author(s) Gary Cheng, Chengqi Yi, Yaoyu Wang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Gary Cheng
Abstract Scope We present an advanced free-space 3D nanoprinting technique using an optical force brush (OFB) and polymer-free methods, overcoming limitations of traditional 3D nanoprinting. OFB allows precise spatial writing, instantaneous linewidth adjustments, and resolutions beyond optical limits, enabling high-speed (100 to 1000 times faster) printing of 4D nanostructures with tunable mechanical properties and excellent biocompatibility. Additionally, our polymer-free approach employs two-photon decomposition (TPD) and optical force trapping for direct 3D printing of metals, metal oxides, and multimetallic alloys. This method involves TPD of metal atoms, rapid nanocluster assembly via optical forces, and ultrafast laser sintering, producing dense, smooth nanostructures. Enhanced near-field optical forces from laser-induced localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) further facilitate nanocluster aggregation. Our technique eliminates the need for organic materials, layer-by-layer printing, and complex post-processing, achieving high-quality metallic nanostructures with superior mechanical properties. This innovation significantly impacts nanoelectronics, nanorobotics, and advanced chip manufacturing.
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Agglomerate Formation and Flowability Analysis of Hybrid Feedstocks Containing Micron-Sized Nanoporous Copper Powders and Nanoparticles for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printing
Assessing Local Deformation, Fracture and Adhesion Properties by Multi-Photon Lithography Test Structures
Cellular Fluidics: Directing Flow of Liquids and Gases Using Microarchitected Materials
Direct 3D Printing of Multi-Metal Components Via Drop-On-Demand Molten Metal Jetting
Electrochemical 3D Printing of Sn Microstructures as Future Anodes for High-Power Lithium Ion Batteries
Elucidating the Structure and Energy Absorption of Holographically Produced 3D Nanoarchitected Materials
Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing of High Entropy Alloying Nanoparticles for Catalysis
From 2D to 3D Electrochemical Microfabrication of Copper and Nickel Based Materials: Synthesis, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Under Extreme Loading
G-116: Enhancing In-Situ Resource Utilization: Additive Manufacturing of Lunar Highlands Regolith with Graphene Nanoplatelets
Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis of Aerosol Jet 3D Printed Gold Micropillars and Their Application in Brain Computer Interface
Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Silver: Electrohydrodynmic-Redox Printing vs. PVD Sputtering
Mechanics of Cracking and Delamination of 3D-Printed Metallic Films for Printed Microelectronics
Microstructural and Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Isothermally Heat-Treated Al6061 Cold Spray Deposits
Multi-Scale Mechanical Microscopy Using High-speed Nanoindentation
Nanoscale Additively Manufactured Oxides/Metal Nanocomposites with Composition-Dependent Microstructure and Strengths
Nanoscale Focused Electron and Ion Beam Induced Processing: Extending 3d Printing to the Nanoscale
Nanoscratch Testing: A Tool for Evaluating the Bonding Strength of Laser Cladding Coatings
On the Ductility of Highly Pure Cold-Sprayed Copper: An Investigation of the Interplay Between Hierarchical Defects and Their Heterogeneous Spatial Arrangements and Morphology
Process Development and Microstructure Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing of Silicon Components
Room Temperature Micro Cold Spray of Ceramic Thick Films
Single-Melt Pool Methods to Print the Unprintable
Spatial Polymer-Free 3D Nanoprinting of Advanced Materials Using Optical Force Brush and Two-Photon Decomposition Methods
Strength of Microparticle Impact-Induced Metallic Bonds
The Curious Case of Ni-P-O: Insights for Unusual Materials Printing at the Nanoscale
Tuning Micro-Architected Mechanical Metamaterials by Controlling Structural Disorder
Ultrafast Bubble Dynamics in Metal Additive Manufacturing with Operando Nanoscale Transmission X-Ray Microscopy
Ultrahigh Specific Strength by Bayesian Optimization of Lightweight Carbon Nanolattices

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