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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials 2024: Process-Structure-Property Relations and New Technologies
Presentation Title Characterization of a Zeolite Obtained by Means of a Hydrothermal Synthesis Process
Author(s) Francisco Raúl Barrientos Hernández, M. Garcia-Ramirez, María Isabel Reyes Valderrama, Julio Juárez Tapia, Martín Reyes Pérez, Xochitl Álvarez Álvarez, Karent Lizbeth Fuentes Trejo
On-Site Speaker (Planned) M. Garcia-Ramirez
Abstract Scope Zeolites are aluminosilicates with porous structure. Due to their cation exchange properties, they are widely used for the treatment of water contaminated with metals. In this research a Mexican expanded perlite was used to obtain synthetic zeolite by hydrothermal method, the material was characterized by XRF, XRD, FTIR, SEM techniques. A hydrothermal reactor with a 20 ml PTFE vessel, 1 g of material and 17 ml of NaOH solution were added, then placed in oven. The variables evaluated were NaOH concentration, maintained temperature and time of heating. The type of zeolites obtained were zeolite Na-P1, cancrinite, sodalite, zeolite type A and zeolite type Y.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Hydrometallurgy, Characterization,


Accelerating New Material Development with an Innovative Characterization Tool
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Characterization and Modelling of Triply Periodic Minimum Surface (TPMS) Lattice Structures for Energy Absorption in Automotive Applications
Characterization and Pre-concentration of a Pegmatite Columbite Ore for Niobium Extraction
Characterization of a Zeolite Obtained by Means of a Hydrothermal Synthesis Process
Characterization of Archeometallurgical Slags from Smithing and Smelting Sites Obtained from Indiana and Uzbekistan
Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose from Kombucha as a Potential Resource for its Application on Biodegradable Films
Characterization of Cements and Concretes Using 3D Automated Quantitative Mineralogy and Enhanced Deep-learning Reconstruction via X-ray Microscopy
Characterization of Grain Boundary Network Structure-property Relations Through Harmonic Expansion
Characterization of Multi-material Joints Formed via High Velocity Riveting
Characterization of Sub-stoichiometric Titanium Hydride Powders: A Synergistic Application of XRD, Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and Quartz-crystal Microbalance (QCM) Methods
Characterization, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Phase Evolution of Soda-ash Assisted Roast Treatment of Alluvial Columbite Mineral Deposit for Efficient Recovery of Niobium and Tantalum
Characterizing Dislocations by Formulating the Invisibility Criteria for DFXM
Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics and Their Composites
Chemistry-Structure-Property Relations in Al10Cr15(Fe3Mn)75-x(Ni)x Medium-entropy Alloys
Comparative Analysis of Airfloat Gravity Separator and High-Intensity Magnetic Separator Combined with Tilt Table Shaker for the Beneficiation of Cassiterite Ore from Riruwai, Kano State, Nigeria
Correlative Cutting Techniques for Rapid Microcantilever Beam Preparation and Notch Analysis
Correlative Micro-nano X-ray Tomography with Scanning Electron Microscopy at the Advanced Light Source
Deformation Dependent Electrical Conductivity Mapping of [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4)
Density Measurement of Molten Chloride Mixtures
Development of NiMn-based Shape Memory Alloys with Enhanced Elastocaloric Properties for Solid-state Cooling Applications
Effect of Aqueous Ferrous Ion on Collectorless Flotation of Pyrite
Effect of Hematite Concentrate on Iron Ore Pellet Quality
Effect of Pretreatment During Leaching of Chambishi Copper - Cobalt Air Roast – Leach Calcine Residue
Effect of Raw Material Size on Sintering Quality
Effects of the Rice Husk Ashes and Titanium Dioxide on Properties of ABS Composites Parts Obtained by 3D Printing
Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of Diffusion Welded Alloy 617 Fabricated by Electric Field Assisted Sintering
Estimation Prediction of CaO–SiO2–FexO Slag System Based on Microstructure Analysis
Evaluation of Geopolymer Composites, Based on Red Mud and Metakaolin, for Building Application
Evaluation of the Properties of Red Ceramics Prepared with Ornamental Rock
Ex-situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Mapping of Al-Al and Al-steel Joints Formed Using the Novel HiVe Process
Exploring the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Ti10V5Al30Nb20Mo25Cu10 High Entropy Alloy
Femtosecond Laser Drilling on Argillaceous, Kerogen-rich, and Bituminous Shale Rocks
Five-parameter Grain Boundary Character and Surface Character of Gold Nanoparticles Using Three-dimensional Orientation Mapping in the Transmission Electron Microscope
Formation of Solid Solutions of Ba TiO3 Doped with Eu3+ by Solid State Reaction
G-10: Influence of the Solution Heat-treatment on the Microstructure Changes of the Directionally Solidified MAR-M247 Ni-based Superalloy
G-11: Mapping Mechanical Properties to Composition for TiAlNb and TiNiNb Alloys
G-12: Material Characterization of Surface-functionalized Aluminum for Enhanced Liquid Transport in Microgravity Applications
G-13: Mortar Rheology with Partial Replacement of Lime with Dredging Residue
G-14: Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Pressed Ceramic Blocks of Red Ceramic
G-15: Performance Comparison between Sustainable Paints Based on Granite and Marble Waste
G-16: Performance Evaluation of Açaí Fiber as Reinforcement in Coating Mortars
G-17: Physical and Mechanical Characterization of an Artificial Granite Using Matrix of Epoxy Resin Mixed With Cashew Nut Shell
G-18: The As‑cast Microstructure and Oxidation Resistance of the X‑40 Co‑based Superalloy for Aerospace Applications
G-21: Production and Characterization of Artificial Stone for the Making of Permeable Pavement
G-3: Characterization of Properties of Ceramic Mass Structural Masonry
G-4: Concrete Using Crushed Rubber as a Substitute for Fine Aggregate
G-5: Cryogenic Toughness of Austenitic Stainless Steels After Aging
G-6: Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Geopolymers Manufactured in Molds of Different Sizes
G-7: Evaluation of the Performance of Sustainable Paints Using Red Mud
G-8: Evaluation of the Properties in the Fresh and Hardened State of a Metakaolin Geopolymeric Mortar Reinforced with Açaí Fibers
G-9: Homogenizing Treatment of AISI 420 Stainless and AISI 8620 Steels
Impact of Interface on Mechanical Behavior of Bonded 1100 Aluminum and Commercial Purity Grade 1 Titanium
Impact of Interface: Using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) to Evaluate the Bonding of 1100 Aluminum and Cp Grade 1 Titanium
In-situ Temperature Monitoring and Characterizaion of Axlebox Bearing in Railway Vehicle
Influence of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) during Collectorless Flotation of Galena
Initiation and Propagation of Corrosion on Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel
Magnon-phonon Hybrid Enhances Function in a Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy
Mechanical Properties and EMI-shielding Efficiencies of Graphite and Iron(II) Oxide-filled Polypropylene and Polyethylene Based Polymer Composites
Microstructural Characterization of ((Ba 0.5-x TiO3) La0.5+x) Synthesized by the Polymeric Precursor Method (Pechini).
Microstructural Evolution of the CoCrFeNiMo0.2 High Entropy Alloy Under Different Annealing Conditions
Microwave-assisted Reduction Behaviors of Spent Cathode Material With Biochar
Microwave and Conventional Carbothermic Reduction of Chromite Ore: A Comparison
New Method for the Production of Medium-Mn Steel with Micro-segregation Bands Induced by Sub-rapid Solidification
Novel Al-10Si-0.3Mg-0.2Fe Alloy: Enhancing Strength and Recyclability Through Thermal Treatment
Obtaining Ferroelectric Tetragonal Phase Type Ba1-3xLa2xTi1-3xBi4xO3 (0 ≥ x ≤ 0.0075) Using the Mechanical Grinding Method
Phase Equilibrium in Solid Solutions of BaTiO3 Doped With Eu+3 and Gd+3.
Phosphoric Acid Leaching of Ni-Co-Fe Powder Derived From Limonitic Laterite Ore
Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printed Biobased Composites From a PBAT/PLA Blend With Lignin and Titanium Dioxide
Preparation and Characterization of Rare-Earth-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles
Preparation of Boronized Ti6Al4V/HA Composites by Powder Sintering for Dental Applications: Effect of Mixing Method
Preparation of Forsterite-spinel Refractory From MgO-rich Residue Derived From Ludwigite Ore
Production of Zinc Oxide From Willemite Containing Ore From Kabwe Town in Zambia
Properties and Microstructure of a Novel TiZrNbVFeCr-based Non-equiatomic HEA
Purification of Rutile Ore by HCl and HF Leaching
Rapidslag Analysis - With Digital Sample Homogenization to Slag Analysis in Under One Minute and Efficient In-situ Furnace Management
Reducing MgO Content of Blast Furnace Slag
Reduction of Zn-bearing Dust Using Biomass Char
Research and Application of Pellet Homogenization in Belt Roaster
Separation of Iron and Phosphorus From High-phosphorus Oolitic Hematite Using Direct Reduction and Magnetic Separation
Small-scale Centrifugal Loading and XCT for High Explosive Mock Development
Spectral Computed Tomography, a New Dimension to Non-destructive 3D Imaging
Structural Evolution of Er3+ and Cr3+ Doped BaTiO3 Synthesized by Mechanical Grinding Method
Study on Reduction Kinetics of Biomass Carbon-coated Iron Ore Powder
Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticles by Green Chemistry, Using Aloe Vera
Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of Ba1-x/2Ti1-xNbxO3 Ceramics
Upgrading Iron Ore by Microwave Desulphurization with Reduction of Harmful SO2 Emission
Use of Red Mud in Soil Stabilization for Pavement Through Alkali Activation
Used and Useful – The Importance of Refractory Post Mortem Studies

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