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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bulk Metallic Glasses XX
Presentation Title J-79: Comprehensive Investigation of Glass Formation Behavior of Ni-based Binary Alloys Considering Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Author(s) Min Kyung Kwak, Heh Sang Ahn, Wook Ha Ryu, Eun Soo Park, Myeongjun Lee
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Myeongjun Lee
Abstract Scope Metallic glass(MG) differs from crystalline in that it can undergo superplastic or thermoplastic deformation due to glass transition. Glass transition, reflecting the average bonding nature of MG, occurs at different temperatures depending on the alloy composition. Interestingly, in binary MGs with a relatively simple atomic structure, the correlation between composition and glass transition temperature (Tg) can be quantitatively analyzed. Here we comprehensively show the glass transition behavior of Ni-Zr MGs depending on composition and heating rate. Continuous heating transformation diagrams were constructed for three eutectic compositions, based on detailed thermal analysis through continuous heating experiments in a wide range of heating rates up to 10^4 K/s via Flash DSC. Through this study, we clarified the glass transition kinetics of Ni-Zr binary MGs in a wide composition range. We anticipate our study to serve as a basis for predicting Tg of metallic glass, given the alloy composition and heating rate.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Phase Transformations,


A Spatially Resolved View on Heterogeneous Dynamics in Metallic Glasses
A Theoretical Framework for Predicting the Ultimate Strength of Metals
Achieving High Strength and Toughness by Modulating Metallic Glass Composition at the Nanoscale
Across the Field of Bulk Metallic Glass - The Second Amorphous Phase
An Atomic-level Perspective of Shear Banding in Metallic Glasses
Are Metallic Glasses Brittle or Ductile?
Atomic-scale Nature of the Invar Effect in Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glasses
Compositional Dependence of the Fragility in Metallic Glass Forming Liquids
Construction of Three-dimensional Deformation Sequence Map in Bulk Metallic Glasses
Correlating Rejuvenation within the Elastic Limit with Anelasticity in Metallic Glasses
Crystal Nucleation from a Hard-sphere Liquid
Development and Application of an Atomic Cluster Expansion Potential for the CuZr System
Effect of Annealing and Cryogenic Treatment on the Size-dependent Deformation Behavior of the Metallic Glass
Effect of Impurities on the Mechanical Properties of Commercial-grade Bulk Metallic Glass
Elucidating the Structure of Glass: Bottom-up or Top-down?
Emergent Structural and Temporal Length Scales in Metallic Glasses - An Atomistic Simulation Perspective
Employment of Joule Heating and Simple Mechanical Loading to Stretch Bulk Metallic Glass Rod into Wire
Enhanced Stability of Metallic Glass Thin Films using an Ion Beam at Room Temperature
Fracture Toughness of Bulk Metallic Glass Composites
Genetic Algorithm-assisted Discovery and Characterization of New Metallic Glass Coatings For Extreme Conditions
Glass Formation and Shear Banding in CrMnFeCoNi High-entropy Metallic Glasses: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Imaging Crystallization of a Au-based Bulk Metallic Glass: Influence of the Initial Glassy State
In-situ XRD Studies of Crystallization and Phase Transformations in Metallic Glasses upon Ultrafast Heating
Investigation of Non-isothermal Crystallization and Mechanical Properties of Zr-based Metallic Glass with Enhanced Icosahedral Ordering
J-78: A Study of Ideal Glass State via High Entropy Metallic Glasses
J-79: Comprehensive Investigation of Glass Formation Behavior of Ni-based Binary Alloys Considering Thermodynamics and Kinetics
J-80: Evidence of Pre-crystallization Structures in a Zr-based Metallic Glass
J-81: Investigation of Isothermal Crystallization Behavior of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al Metallic Glass with Enhanced Icosahedral Ordering via Flash DSC
J-83: Microstructure and Wear Properties of Novel Fe Metamorphic Alloy Manufactured by Thermal Spray Process
J-84: Tailoring Structure and Properties of Bulk Metallic Glass through a Laser-process and Thermomechanical Process
J-85: Using Machine Learning to Find Correlations of Structure Motifs with Metallic Glass States and Mechanical Properties
Local Strain Analysis by 4D-STEM on Zr50Cu40Al10 Subjected to High Pressure Torsion
Long-time Structural Evolution of Metallic Glasses
Machine Learning versus Human Learning in Complex Materials Discovery and Science: Predicting Glass-forming Ability of Metallic Glasses
Measurements from the Gap: Viscosity and Wave Speed Measurements in the Supercooled Liquid Region
Mechanical Properties and Scaling Laws of Bicontinuous Nanoporous Metallic Glasses
Medium-range Order Controls Hardness and Fracture Toughness in Bulk Metallic Glasses
Metallic Glass Coating for Improving Dicing Performance of Hard/Brittle Materials
Metallic Glasses' Global Energy and Structural Heterogeneity Predicted by Machine Learning
Nano-mechanical Probing of Elasticity Length Scales in Metallic Glasses
Non-affine Strains in Glassy Solids
Observation of Deformation Features in Metallic Glasses
On the Correlation between Multiscale Structural Heterogeneities and Mechanical Properties in Metallic Glasses
Origin of Low Temperature Mechanical Loss in Metallic Glass
Origin of Super Plastic Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glass with Complex Icosahedral Order
Origin of α-relaxation in Metallic Liquids
Pressure Dependence of the Collective Motion in Metallic Glasses Studied with Coherent X-rays
Processability of Cu-Ti-based Metallic Glasses via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Property Studies on Atomically Smooth Metallic Glasses
Quantifying the Local Structure of Metallic Glass as a Function of Composition, Atomic Size, and Processing History
Rejuvenation of the Supercooled Liquid State by Straining during Cooling
Spectroscopic Evaluation of Tribologically-induced Structural Transformations and Chemical Changes in Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass
Steady-state Serrated Flow Induced by Rejuvenation Gradient in Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass
Stress-strain Measurements on Cyclically Sheared Colloidal Glasses
Structural Development of (Fe36Co36B19.2Si4.8Nb4)99.5Cu0.5 BMG
Structural Dynamics in the Microplastic Regime of a Zr-based Metallic Glass
Structural Symmetry of Medium Range Ordering in Metallic Glasses Revealed by Angular Correlation Analysis of 4D-STEM Nanodiffraction
Structure-Dynamics Relationships in Cryogenically Deformed Bulk Metallic Glass
Studying Phase Transitions in Slow Motion via Fast Differential Scanning Calorimetry
The Physics of Elemental Ag and Binary Cu-Ag Glasses: First Order Glass Transition
The Role of Structural Motifs and Outliers in the Deformation of Metallic Glasses
The Strain Rate Sensitivity of Heterogeneous Thin Film Metallic Glasses: Interplay between Nanoscale Heterogeneity and Dynamic Plasticity
Thermal Drawing of Bulk Metallic Glasses within Polymer Fibers: Challenges and Opportunities
Thermodynamic Analysis and Modeling of Novel Ternary Ni-Pd-S Bulk Metallic Glass-forming System
Thermodynamic Connections to the Fragility of Pt-based BMGs
Tuning Microstructure and Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Co-Ni-V and Co-Ni-V-Al Medium Entropy Alloy Thin Films via Deposition Power
Two-step Annealing Induced Structural Rejuvenation: A Cause for Memory Effect in Metallic Glasses
Ultrastable States in Bulk Metallic Glasses
Uncovering the Structural Evolution of Metallic Liquids during Vitrification

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