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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work – Rustum Roy Symposium
Presentation Title The Effect of Microwave Sintering on Additively Manufactured Ceramics
Author(s) Maxwell Telmer, Tania Slawecki, Edgar Mendoza, Dinesh Agrawal, B. Reeja Jayan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Maxwell Telmer
Abstract Scope This work studies the effect of combining the techniques of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Microwave (MW) sintering has on the final density and microstructure of Al2O3 and SiO2 parts. AM of ceramics is tricky due to the high thermal stability of ceramic particles, which tends to eliminate most conventional AM processes used on polymers (e.g., extrusion) and metals (e.g., selective laser sintering). Because of this limitation, we are interested in other AM processes that are capable of generating ceramic parts, namely binder-jetting and stereolithography. Further processing is required to improve the density and structural stability of these parts. MW sintering was explored here as a method to heat treat the AM parts because previous work from Dr. Agrawal shows that MW sintering leads to higher densities than conventional sintering. It is also a densification method that does not require applied pressure (e.g., in hot isostatic pressing), allowing for complex geometries.


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The Effect of Microwave Sintering on Additively Manufactured Ceramics
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