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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Performance Steels
Presentation Title Hydrogen Trapping and Hydrogen Embrittlement in Hybrid Steel Strengthened by Dual Precipitates
Author(s) Hung-Wei Yen, Chin-En Chou, Yi-Hsuan Sun, Steve Woei Ooi, Ranming Niu, Chao Huang, Eason Yi-Sheng Chen, Julie M. Cairney
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hung-Wei Yen
Abstract Scope Hybrid steel, a new grade of strong steel developed by OVAKO, exhibits an extremely high hardness of HRC55 due to effects of precipitation strengthening from NiAl-B2 particles and V4C3 carbides under peak aging. The current work investigates hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen trapping in the peak-aged hybrid steel. Our thermal desorption analyses show an extraordinary concentration of trapped hydrogen in this steel. Besides, the concentration of non-diffusible hydrogen is approximately 16 ppmw. This is explained by the trapping effects from dual precipitates. However, in slow-strain rate tensile tests, it is found that most non-diffusible hydrogen is harmful. This steel is exempted from embrittlement when the concentration of non-diffusible hydrogen is lower than 4.0 ppmw. In summary, some irreversibly trapped hydrogen at stress-free state could be active under some stressed states. Hydrogen, active under a stress, can cause hydrogen embrittlement in practice.
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Keywords Other, Other, Other


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