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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium 50 Years of Characterizing Structural Ceramics and Glasses: Recognizing the Contributions of George Quinn
Presentation Title Failure Analysis of a Large SiC Component
Author(s) Kristin Breder, Eric Buchovecky, Ryan Koseski
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kristin Breder
Abstract Scope A large silicon carbide part was being inserted into a specific application assembly at a customer using heat shrinking. Sounds consistent with fracture were reported by the installing engineers within 20-30 seconds of inserting the part into a heated metal sleeve. Based on fractographic analysis and finite element modeling, it is clear that the component failed due to the thermal gradient induced across the component in the process. The fracture origin was likely a grinding flaw, but surface features near the fracture origin were inside the specified tolerances. There did not appear to be any physical feature (e.g. inclusion, pore, micro-crack) or chemical inconsistency near the origin. Measurement of the mirror constant indicated a failure stress consistent with the stress level seen in the model. The customer was recommended to change the process conditions to account for the larger part to significantly reduce the thermal stresses during the process.


A Quintessential Standards Writer and the Tangible Benefits of Standards
Advanced Proof Testing for Structural Ceramics
Coating Effect on Vial Crack Response
Failure Analysis of a Large SiC Component
Fractal Analysis of Brittle Fracture and Crack Branching
Interpretation of ZerodurŪ Strength Data
Observations in Fracture Toughness Testing of Glasses and Optical Ceramics
On the 3rd Edition of the NIST Guide to Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses
On the Controversies during the Creation of Flexure Strength Standards MIL STD 1942 and ASTM C 1161
On the Elastic Isotropy of the Entropy-stabilized Oxide (Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)O Compound
Sectored-flexural and Rotational-Flexural-strength Testing of Brittle Material Cylinders and Tubes
Static and Dynamic Compression Strength of Ceramics and Glasses

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