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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Manufacturing Structural and Functional Materials with Complexity: Lessons from Nature
Presentation Title Make It With Minerals! Self-Organizing Complex Functional Materials
Author(s) Willem Noorduin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Willem Noorduin
Abstract Scope In this lecture, we explore how bioinspired self-organization processes can yield complex user-defined patterns. By exploiting the interplay between reaction and diffusion rates, we mineralize nanoscopic building blocks that spontaneously organize into intricate patterns with sub-micrometer precision. Through rational modulation of the reaction conditions, using for instance photochemical reactions, we steer with spatiotemporal control the pattern formation towards more complex desired morphologies. Once these patterns are formed, we can convert the mineralized building blocks into desirable chemical compositions such as semiconductors and catalysts, while maintaining the initial pattern. This independent control over composition and patterning paves the way for the development of complex functional materials, including photovoltaic devices, tunable catalysts, and opto-mechanical sensors. These results highlight the potential of self-organization processes for the manufacturing of advanced materials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Composites, Solidification, Shaping and Forming


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From Biological Crystal Growth to Functional Bio-Inspired Crystals
Make It With Minerals! Self-Organizing Complex Functional Materials
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Structural Materials Design: Perspectives From Bioinspiration and Artificial Intelligence
Synthesis of Architected Biological Materials With Nanoscale Precision and Translation to Bio-Inspired Structures

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