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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium A Career in Powder Processing and Additive Manufacturing: A MPMD Symposium Honoring David Bourell
Presentation Title Temperature Dependent Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity for Metallic Powder for Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Leila Ladani, Jafar Razmi
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Leila Ladani
Abstract Scope Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity are critical parameters that impact powder bed fusion process of metals. Thermophysical properties of materials including thermal conductivity, thermal reflectivity and absorption are often used as an input to models and simulations of the process. It is essential that realistic values are used in models for accurate prediction of the behavior of these materials throughout the process. The powder material transitions through different phases including powder, sintered powder, liquid, and solid throughout the process. Accordingly, the thermophysical properties of material changes significantly. This study focuses on developing an analytical approach to calculating thermal conductivity of powder material using physics-based thermal modeling at micro-scale. The analytical models are improved using empirical correlation. Several common materials such as Ti, CoCr, Stainless Steel, Inconel, Cu and Cu CNT are tested using this approach.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Powder Materials, Characterization


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Liquid-Induced Healing of Cracks in Nickel-Based Superalloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Research and Application of Shougang's Thick Material Layer Sintering Technology
Temperature Dependent Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity for Metallic Powder for Additive Manufacturing
The Evolution of Additive Manufacturing

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