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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Manufacturing and Processing of Advanced Ceramic Materials
Presentation Title Manufacturing Feasibility of the Cold Sintering Process for Large-scale Ceramic Dielectrics
Author(s) Christopher S. Wheatley, Clive A Randall, Andrea P Argüelles
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Christopher S. Wheatley
Abstract Scope The Cold Sintering Process (CSP) has allowed the creation of high relative density materials at much lower temperatures than conventional sintering by the addition of a transient liquid phase. However, the limitations regarding the size of cold-sintered materials have not been fully explored. The motivation for this study is to determine if the microstructure changes with increasing scale, namely, sample thickness and diameter. In this work, a model dielectric material, sodium molybdate (Na2Mo2O7) has been manufactured up to 25-mm in diameter and at various aspect ratios to determine the effectiveness of CSP on a larger scale. Statistical analysis showed that the samples from each group were consistent, as evidenced by their ultrasonic longitudinal wave speed average of 4,460 m/s and low signal attenuation averaging at 109 Np/m. Electrical results were also found to be consistent with a relative permittivity averaging at 13 and a dielectric loss tangent average of 1.1E-03.


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Basic Research Opportunities from the Army Research Laboratory
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Ceramic Powder Processing (“Think Like a Particle?” or Perhaps “Think Like a Defect?”)
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Design Paradigm for Fabricating MAB Phases
Effect of Binder Phase on TiB2-TiC Based Cermet Materials on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Embedded Printing in Ceramics
Embedded Wire CVD of Silicon Carbide for Homogeneous Joining and SiC-SiC Composite Fabrication
Exploring New Flux Chemistries to Expand the Cold Sintering Process
From Flash Sintering to Ultrafast Sintering without an Electric Field and Electrochemically Controlled Microstructural Evolution
Limitations on the Sintering of Graded Particle Systems
Machine-Learning-Based, Online Estimation of Ceramic’s Microstructure Upon the Laser Spot Brightness During Laser Sintering
Manipulating Instrument Setup Parameters to Increase the Range for Particle Size Measurement
Manufacturing Feasibility of the Cold Sintering Process for Large-scale Ceramic Dielectrics
Measurement of High Temperature Mechanical Property Data for Modeling Applications
Mechanisms of Delamination within Co-extruded Silicon Carbide
Micromechanical Properties and Microstructures of AC and DC Flash-sintered Alumina
Microstructure and Electrical Conductivity of Sol-gel Synthesized and Spark Plasma Sintered Doped-lanthanum Gallate
Nondestructive Materials Characterization Using Ultrasound: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Cold Sintering Process
Optimizing Ceramic Surfaces for Dust-tolerant Lunar Exploration
Phase and Nanostructure of Polymer Derived Monolithic SiC at Ultrahigh Temperatures
Processing Ceramic Powders in Non-aqueous Mediums - How Polarity of the Suspension Medium Effects Dispersion
Reaction Flash Sintering of Ti0.5Zr0.5N and Ti0.5Al0.5N Ternary Metal Nitrides
Surface Area Reduction During the Sintering of Alumina
Surface Reactivity and Processing Properties of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Ceramics
Tailoring Thermal Insulation Ceramic Architectures from Additive Manufacturing
The Influence of Cr on Microstructural Evolution of Alumina
Trends and Opportunities in Manufacturing and Processing of Advanced Ceramic Materials at the National Science Foundation
In Situ Video Monitoring of Zirconium Active Braze Alloy for Joining Al2O3 to Kovar

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