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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Solid-State Diffusion Bonding of Metals and Alloys
Presentation Title Similar and Dissimilar Joining of Nitinol via Transient Liquid Phase Bonding
Author(s) Zhaoxi Cao, Samuel Price, Ian McCue
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Zhaoxi Cao
Abstract Scope Joining of shape memory/superelastic materials have gained increased attention in recent years. However, traditional joining methods are challenging to apply to these materials because they lead to the formation of brittle intermetallics, decreases in functional performance, and strength reductions. Here, transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding is being studied as a viable solution for similar and dissimilar joining. Interlayer foils ranging from hundreds of nanometers to tens of microns thick, with different compositions in the TiCu, NiTiNb, and NiTiZr systems, were designed via CALPHAD approaches to join NiTi with both NiTi and Titanium - systems known to form brittle phases during traditional fusion welding. Upon heating, the layers interdiffuse to form either a partial or complete low-melting transient liquid, filling the gap between the bonding surfaces and solidifying isothermally. The designed composition allows for phase control during bonding, while the thin interlayer thickness allows for short diffusion length scales.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Joining, Solidification, Thin Films and Interfaces


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Preserving Bond Strength in Solid State Diffusion Bonding of Inconel 718
Property Comparison of Different Corrosion-Resistant Nickel Alloys for use in Explosion Cladding
Similar and Dissimilar Joining of Nitinol via Transient Liquid Phase Bonding
Solid-State Diffusion as a Tool for Alloy Design Optimization
The Basic Research on Plastic Bonding of Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
Ultrasonic Metal Welding of Interlayers to Improve Joint Performance of Aluminum to Steel Resistance Spot Welds in Automotive Applications

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