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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Computation Assisted Materials Development for Improved Corrosion Resistance
Presentation Title Impact of Water Vapor Content and Oxygen Partial Pressure on Oxidation Behavior of NiCr Alloys at 950 °C
Author(s) Marie Romedenne, Yi-Feng Su, Jonathan Poplawsky, Rishi Pillai
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Marie Romedenne
Abstract Scope Hydrogen is integral to the envisioned carbon-neutral energy landscape of the future. Unlike the hydrogen storage and transport infrastructure, power generation systems such as hydrogen fueled gas turbines and engines involve high temperatures and mixed corrosive environments that present new challenges for the selection and development of suitable materials. The impacts of higher water vapor content and decreased O2 partial pressure, expected in H2 post-combustion and solid oxide fuel cell environments, on the oxidation behavior of Ni25Cr, Ni25Cr2Mn and Ni25Cr40Fe were studied by exposing specimens in flowing air+10vol.% H2O, air+60 vol.% H2O and Ar+4%H2+60%H2O for 8 h at 950 °C. Post-exposure characterization showed that the three alloys formed Cr2O3 scales after 8 h in air+10vol.% H2O while Ni25Cr2Mn and Ni25Cr40Fe showed breakdown of the formed oxide scales into thick mixed oxides in air+60% H2O. Transmission electron microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography results that investigated oxide morphology and grain boundary segregation will be presented


Assessment of the Role of Minor Refractory Alloying Additions in Affecting Alumina-Scale Formation During High-Temperature Oxidation of Ni-based model alloys
Atomic Origins of CO2-Promoted Oxidation of Chromia-Forming Alloys
Impact of Water Vapor Content and Oxygen Partial Pressure on Oxidation Behavior of NiCr Alloys at 950 °C
New Approaches Towards Computational Modeling of Metal Dusting
Phase-Field Modeling of Thermally Grown Oxide and Induced Damage and Cracking in Environmental Barrier Coatings
Phase Field Numerical Model for Simulating the Activation and Diffusion Controlled Stress Corrosion Cracking Phenomena in Anisotropic Material
Predicting Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloys with Physics-Informed Machine Learning

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