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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Materials through High Resolution Coherent Imaging
Presentation Title Synchrotron Ptychographic X-Ray Computed Tomography (PXCT) to Study Micro-Fabricated Fully Hybrid 3D Metal-Ceramic Metamaterials
Author(s) Alexander Groetsch, Christopher Gunderson, Peter Schweizer, Ana Diaz, Janne-Petteri Niemelä, Helen Le Clézio, Mirko Holler, Ivo Utke, Xavier Maeder, Dennis M. Kochmann, Johann Michler, Jakob Schwiedrzik
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alexander Groetsch
Abstract Scope The architectural design of metamaterials enables their remarkable structure-mechanical properties. Such highly functionalized materials target engineering applications that often require complex small-scale features. In this study, we demonstrate how we used synchrotron ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT) to study fully hybrid metal-ceramic (Ni-Al2O3) 3D micro-architectures including triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) fabricated by template-assisted electrodeposition (TAE) and atomic layer deposition (ALD). Using in situ compression, we show how the conformal ceramic coating strengthens porous metallic nanostructures while preserving a ductile behavior. We showcase the dual-beam assisted lift-out procedure for the micro-architectures (40 μm3) to facilitate PXCT, which showed that cracks did not propagate from the Al2O3-interface-layer into the base Ni-lattice. We demonstrate that fabrication-induced pores did not serve as failure points, and how finite element analysis (FEA) and PXCT helped to identify potentials to optimize the material performance using a new workflow to directly generate FEA input files from PXCT.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Composites, Ceramics, Mechanical Properties


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Synchrotron Ptychographic X-Ray Computed Tomography (PXCT) to Study Micro-Fabricated Fully Hybrid 3D Metal-Ceramic Metamaterials
Three-Dimensional Hard X-Ray Ptychographic Reflectometry Imaging on Extended Mesoscopic Surface Structures

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