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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Process Metallurgy and Environmental Engineering: An EPD Symposium in Honor of Takashi Nakamura
Presentation Title Obtaining Lead-silver by Carbothermal Reduction of Concentrates from the Karachipampa Metallurgical Company
Author(s) Richard Chipana
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Richard Chipana
Abstract Scope Obtaining metals such as lead from sulphides through classical reduction processes produces large amounts of SO2 which, if not properly treated, contaminate the environment. The carbothermal reduction process is an alternative method for obtaining metals such as lead, mainly using a desulfurizing agent such as CaO to reduce PbS and Ag2S to Pb, Ag and also capturing sulfur in the form of CaS, thus avoiding sulfur is released into the environment in the form of SO2. The carbothermal reduction process is thermodynamically favorable as long as the necessary conditions are met, such as the presence of C, CaO in an inert medium such as a constant flow of gaseous N2. This project shows the results of treatment of complex Lead sulfides with Ag, As, Sb, Bi, and tin, obtaining Pb-Ag conversions that reach around 90% reduction.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Extraction and Processing, Pyrometallurgy, Process Technology


A Journey from Japan: My Interactions with Professor Nakamura and His Support to Build a Metallurgical Journey
Acidic and Ammonium Sulphate Leaching of Historic Copper Tailings from Copperbelt Province, Zambia
Advances in Hydrometallurgical Copper Extraction: New Developments
Application of the Thiocyanate-Thiourea System for the Leaching of Copper Present in Tailings from Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
Arsenic Reduction from Copper Resources by Mineral Beneficiation Technique
Assessment of the Glycine Concentration for the Leaching of Cu, Zn and Pb Contained In Tailings in the Presence of Thiourea
C-28: Comparative Study of the Carbothermal Reduction of Scales of Cast Steel Pieces Produced in the Thermal Treatment Using Mineral Coke and Charcoal
C-29: Molten Salt Electrolysis of MgO Using an Ag Cathode and Vacuum Distillation for Efficient Mg Metal Production
C-30: Selective Leaching of Rare Earth Metals Using Novel Lixiviants
Characterization of Solid Mining Waste in the Urbanized Area of Zimapán, Hidalgo, for the Identification of Economically Valuable Elements and Trace Elements
Clean Hydrometallurgical Processes from Hazardous Element Immobilization to Sustainable Lithium Battery Recycling
Correlation of the Initial Absorption Coefficient and the Compression Resistance of Concrete Blocks (Vibro-Compacted), with the Addition of Fly Ash and an Additive
Design of a Pb-Ag-Zn Complex Mineral Processing Plant with a Capacity of 50TMD for the “Bajaderia R.L.” Mining Cooperative
Development of an Efficient Deoxidation Process for Off-grade Ti Sponge Using Mg Metal with Wire Mesh Strainer Type of Crucible
DOWA Recycling Networks
Electro-winning in Basic Medium, for the Recovery of Tin from By-products Generated by the Harris I Process, of the Karachipampa Metallurgical Company
Electrolysis of Alkaline Iodide Solution for Hydrogen Production and Valuable Metal Recovery from E-waste
Energy Consumptions and Environmental Performances of Modern Copper Smelting Technlogies
Impact of Bromine Flame Retarded Plastics on Allocation and Recovery of Cu in Pyrolysis of E-waste
Investigation of Roast- Leach of High Sulphur Containing Slag from Luanshya Zambia
JX Metals Corporation's Sustainable Copper Vision and Efforts to Achieve It
LAREX-Tupy Process: Recycling of Li-ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles by Hydrometallurgical Route Towards Circular Economy
Metallurgy in a Low-carbon World: A Review of New Technology Developments
Metals Recycling Utilizing Mitsubishi Materials Corporation's Network of Smelters and Refineries
Mutual Separation of Rare Earth Elements by Hydrometallurgical Methods
New Technologies for Arsenic Stabilization from Smelter and Roaster Wastes
Non-ferrous Metals Business and Material Recycling at Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd
Obtaining Lead-silver by Carbothermal Reduction of Concentrates from the Karachipampa Metallurgical Company
Pilot Trials on Zinc Fuming with Hydrogen Gas
Possibilities for Leachability Reduction of Heavy Metals Using Slag as Substitute for Natural Sand in Concrete
Rare Earth Recycle Process by Molten Salt Electrolysis Using Alloy Diaphragms
Recovery of Iron from Copper Tailings Using a Combined Direct Reduction-Magnetic Separation Process
Research Progress in Eddy Current Reduction of Molten Copper Slag
Resource Utilization of Copper Slag with a Focus on Impoverishment and Reduction: A Review
Separation and Recovery of Positive Electrode Active Materials from Lithium-ion Battery Using Pulsed Discharge
Solvent Extraction Process of Nickel Sulfate for Battery Materials
Synthesis of a Reactive MgO Based on the MgSO4 Reductive Decomposition for Aqueous Solutions Treatment
Synthesis of Scorodite from Iron(III) Oxide and As(V) Solution
The Future Direction of Non-ferrous Metal Smelting
Towards Sustainable Battery Recycling
Up-grade Recycling of Titanium and Its Alloys
Zinc Oxide Production from EAF Dust Using Electrothermic Furnace at Onahama Refinery

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