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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Marine Materials and Structures
Presentation Title Dislocation-κ-Precipitate Interactions in Wire-Arc Additive Manufactured Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy Through Micro-Pillar Deformation
Author(s) Faizan Hijazi, Mostafa Omar, Justin E. Norkett, Charles Fisher, David Rowenhorst, Jaafar El Awady
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Faizan Hijazi
Abstract Scope Nickel aluminum bronze (NAB) alloys are of interest for naval applications due to their strength and corrosion resistance. Here dislocation-precipitate interactions in a wire-arc additively manufactured (WAAM)-NAB alloy are studied through in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) microcompression studies of single and polycrystalline micro-pillars with known orientations. The WAAM-NAB microstructure consists of an α-matrix with κ-precipitates, including globular κii and lamellar κiii in inter-dendritic zones, and nano-sized κiv within α-grains. Constant uniaxial strain-rate compression was performed while recording acoustic emissions (AE) from dislocation bursts, providing real-time insights into dislocation dynamics. Post-deformation analysis revealed significant slip activity in α-grains but negligible activity in inter-dendritic zones. Cross-slip was observed at lamellar κiii boundaries. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of deformed micro-pillars provided insights into dislocation-precipitate interactions within α-grains and grain/inter-dendritic zone boundaries. This study enhances our understanding of deformation mechanisms in WAAM-NAB, contributing to improved mechanical properties of this complex alloy system.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Characterization, Mechanical Properties


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Dislocation-κ-Precipitate Interactions in Wire-Arc Additive Manufactured Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy Through Micro-Pillar Deformation
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