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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Phase Transformations in Ceramics: Science and Applications
Presentation Title Spinodal Decomposition in Ferroelectric Crystals
Author(s) Catherine M. Bishop
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Catherine M. Bishop
Abstract Scope Spinodal decomposition, as opposed to nucleation and growth, is a pathway to fine dispersions of new phases. Enhanced piezoelectric performance has been reported for ferroelectrics with polymorphic phase boundary (PPB) compositions and ferroelectric nanodomains, which could be achieved by a spinodal pathway. A few reports of spinodal decomposition in ferroelectrics have appeared recently, but no analysis of spinodal decomposition in ferroelectric crystals was found by the author. Here, the conditions for spinodal decomposition of a paraelectric crystal to ferroelectric states are determined and critical wavelengths are identified. Predictions are made for single phase ferroelectrics and PPB ferroelectrics using the ferroelectric multi-phasefield model. A rich set of behaviours are predicted, and specific predictions are made for barium titanate, PZT and two-phase BZT-50BCT. Critical wavelengths vary from tens of unit cells to hundreds of unit cells.


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Phase Stability and Cation Partitioning in Multi-rare Earth Aluminates and Zirconates
Phase Transformations in Ceramic Materials under Extreme External Forcing
Progress on Phase Stability of Substituted Rare Earth Disilicate Compositions for Environmental Barrier Coatings
Spinodal Decomposition in Ferroelectric Crystals
Structural Evolution of MgAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 Disordered Spinel Oxides Studied via In Situ Neutron Total Scattering
Using Total Scattering Techniques to Explore Fundamental Aspects of the Structural Organization in Weberite-type Tantalate Oxides

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