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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Spatially Tailored Materials: Processing-Structure-Properties
Presentation Title Dissolution Zone Model of the Oxide Structure in Additively Manufactured Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys
Author(s) Wenyuan Hou, Zachary C. Cordero
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wenyuan Hou
Abstract Scope The structural evolution of oxides in dispersion-strengthened superalloys during laser-powder bed fusion is considered in detail. A scaling analysis of mass and momentum transport within the melt pool establishes that diffusional structural evolution mechanisms dominate for nanoscale dispersoids, while agglomeration and advection dominate for micron-scale slag inclusions. These findings are developed into a theory of dispersoid structural evolution, integrating quantitative models of diffusional processes—dispersoid dissolution, nucleation, growth, coarsening—with modeled time-temperature trajectories of fluid parcels within the melt pool. Dispersoid size calculations in single-pass melting reveal a dissolution zone at the melt pool center where the final Y2O3 size is determined by nucleation and growth kinetics and independent of feedstock size. Gaps between adjacent dissolution zones result in oxide accumulation into larger inclusions. These predictions of final dispersoid size and slag formation match the present experimental data and explain process-structure linkages speculated in the open literature.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Other, Other


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