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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2024 Technical Division Student Poster Contest
Presentation Title SPG-47: Ni/Ga Ratio Effect on Cu-Cu TLP Bonding Process
Author(s) Tzu-Hsuan Huang, Jian-Wei Huang, Zhih-Feng Lin, Shih-kang Lin
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tzu-Hsuan Huang
Abstract Scope Electronic packaging provides chip protection, signal transfer and heat dissipation. Driven by the wearable device become smaller, thinner but more multifunctional, Cu-to-Cu bonding plays a key role in advanced packaging industry. Because of bonding size shrinkage, solder bump forming fully intermetallic compound (IMC) joint after reflow process which is brittle, low conductivity and poor reliability. In addition, CTE mismatch cause warpage during high temperature joining process. Therefore, it is essential to come up with a new approach for fabricating IMC-free joints with low bonding temperature. In this article we reveal the Cu/Ni/Ga interface reaction with different Ni/Ga ratio by cross section element analysis and phase confirming. We propose a transient liquid phase bonding process by controlling electroplated Ni/Ga ratio and show its potential of forming IMC-free Cu/Cu solid solution joints.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Joining, Electronic Materials,


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SPG-19: Exploring High-temperature 7000 Series Aluminum Alloys: High-throughput DFT Calculations and Machine Learning Approaches
SPG-1: Diffusion Bonding of Titanium Alloys and Magnesium Alloys
SPG-20: Improving the Joint Strength of Ultrasonic Welded Mg/Al Joints by Insetting a Third Element Foil
SPG-21: Modification of Twinning Behavior in Mg Alloys by Grain Boundary Intermetallic Particles
SPG-22: 3D Printed Stretchable Soft Electronics with Metamaterials-inspired Electromagnetic Architecture
SPG-23: Understanding the Microstructure Evolution in the Selective Laser Melted Near-alpha Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Alloy using Advanced Characterization Techniques
SPG-24: Variations in Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of High-speed-extruded Mg-Bi Alloys through Al Addition
SPG-25: A Comparative Study of Nitrogen Gas Purity for Cold Spray Applications: Bottled vs. Generated Nitrogen
SPG-26: A Comparison of the Generalizability of Machine Learning and Constitutive Modeling Approaches for the Prediction of Flow Stress
SPG-27: Additive Manufacturing of CrCoMnFeNi via Novel Polymer-powder Composite
SPG-28: Additively Manufactured Niobium C103 via Laser-directed Energy Deposition: Fabrication Process, Microstructure Evolution, and Mechanical Behavior
SPG-29: Characterization of Microstructural Heterogeneities in EBM-PBF Haynes 282 using Linear and Random Scan Strategies
SPG-30: Controlling the Pre-bending Delay during Laser Sheet Metal Forming
SPG-31: Data-Driven Optimization of Wire Arc Directed Energy Deposition Manufacturing Conditions for Improved Bead Shape Prediction
SPG-32: Design and Tailoring of a Novel High-entropy Alloy for Additive Manufacturing
SPG-33: Development of a Low-cost Open-source Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Machine
SPG-34: Effect of Fastener Hole Repair on High-strength Aluminum Alloy Plates via Additive Friction Stir Deposition
SPG-35: Effects of Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Cooling on Nickel Aluminum Bronze Weld Metal Microstructure Manufactured with Directed Energy Deposition Process
SPG-36: Electroplating Metal Powder for Cold Spray Application
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SPG-3: Enhancing Thiosulfate Stability and pH Control in Ammonium Thiosulfate Gold Leaching with Mg(OH)2
SPG-40: In Situ Correlative Transmission Electron Microscopy for Experimental Study of Grain Growth in Thin Films
SPG-41: Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Al 7075 Parts Processed by Additive Friction Stir Deposition
SPG-42: Microstructural Evolution in Austenitic Stainless Steels during Laser Sheet-metal Forming
SPG-43: Modeling Electrospray of Water and Liquid Metals
SPG-44: Multi-material Hybrid Manufacturing for Desired Composition, Tailored Properties and Complex Geometries
SPG-45: Multiscale Microstructure and Mechanical Characterization of Cu-Ni Alloys Produced through Hydrogel Infusion-based Additive Manufacturing (HIAM)
SPG-46: Multi-stimuli Integration in Alloy Design: Friction-assisted Processing of Al-Mg Alloys for High-performance Nano-composite Materials
SPG-47: Ni/Ga Ratio Effect on Cu-Cu TLP Bonding Process
SPG-48: Predicting Microstructure of Gas Atomized Reaction Synthesis 14YWT ODS Steel: A Thermodynamic Simulation Approach for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
SPG-49: Properties of Additive Friction Stir Deposition Aluminum 7075
SPG-4: Expanding the Study of Non-contact Modulation Calorimetry through Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling
SPG-50: Recycled Battlefield Titanium Scrap for Cold Spray Applications
SPG-51: Recycling Titanium Feedstock Powders for Re-use in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
SPG-52: Rheological Effects of Nanoparticles on Epoxy with Implications for DIW
SPG-53: SolidStir Extrusion: An Innovative Friction Stir Based Extrusion Process
SPG-54: Tuning the Microstructure in the Direct Energy Deposited Metastable Beta Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr Alloy for Aerospace Applications
SPG-55: Voronoi Tessellation Validation for Analysis of Microstructural Data from Sintered Porous Metal Structures
SPG-56: Wire-Arc Directed Energy Deposition (DED) of High-strength Low-alloy (HSLA) Steels for Replacement of Conventionally Manufactured HY-80
SPG-57: Anomalous ParticleFormation in eGaIn Exposed to Zinc Metal
SPG-58: Assessment of Strength-ductility Balance, Strain Hardening, and Fracture of Massive Ferrite in Ti-stabilized Interstitial-free Steel
SPG-59: Bonding Mechanisms between Steels and Mg Alloys having Different Composition using Ultrasonic Spot Welding
SPG-5: Kinetic Study on Deoxidation of Molten Copper by the Carbon Monoxide Gas Bubbling
SPG-60: Characteristics of Laser and Electron Beam Welds of Borated Stainless Steel for Neutron Absorbers and Structural Materials for Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
SPG-61: Characterization of Microstructure Periodicity in Additively Manufactured Components Fabricated through Laser Powder Bed Fusion: An Analysis Based on Orientation Segmentation Image Analysis
SPG-62: Compositional and Structural Non-uniformity in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
SPG-64: Design of Novel Alloys via CALPHAD-based High Throughput Calculations
SPG-65: Effect of Compositional Changes on the Microstructure and Creep Resistance of High Entropy Superalloys
SPG-66: Fracture Toughness of Additively Manufactured Tungsten
SPG-67: High-temperature and High-pressure Water Chemical Wear Characteristics of Cobalt-free Reduced Activation Hard-facing Material for Light Water Reactor Valves
SPG-68: High Entropy NiTiHfZrCu Shape Memory Alloys; Transformation temperatures, Microstructure, and Mechanical Performance
SPG-69: Investigation of Fuel Chemical Cladding Interactions with UO2 and UN using Diffusion Couples
SPG-6: Phytomining for Rare Earth Elements: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment
SPG-70: Investigation of the Microstructural Analysis in Dwell Fatigue Tested Ti-6246 Alloy
SPG-71: Mechanical Behavior of LLZO Solid Electrolytes: In Situ SEM Micropillar Compression and Ab Initio Insights
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SPG-74: Probing Structural and Compositional Heterogeneity in High Entropy Carbides: Impact of Cr Addition and Mechanical Stress
SPG-75: Simulations of the Effect of Temperature on Deformation Behavior of Small Metal Nanoparticles
SPG-76: Stabilization of Dendritic Copper Wick Structure through a Two-step Electrodeposition Process
SPG-77: Stress Fluctuations due to Random Interstitials in HCP Ti
SPG-78: Structure Evolution and Sn Redistribution Accompanying Zircaloy-4 Oxidation
SPG-79: Temperature Effects on Dealloying Behavior of Binary Ni-20Cr Alloy in Molten FLiNaK
SPG-7: Project Tethys: Extracting Water from the Martian Environment
SPG-80: Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques to Correlate Constituent Redistribution, Fission Gas Bubble Structures, and Thermal Conductivity Changes in Annular, Irradiated U-Zr Fuels
SPG-8: Recovery of Rhenium from Superalloy Swarf, Grindings, Turnings, and Scrap
SPG-9: Unraveling the Structural Dynamics of Cu6Sn5 Hexagonal Phase under Electrical Current Stressing
SPU-10: Entrapment of Volatile Organic Compounds in UiO-66 Metal-organic-framework: An Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study
SPU-11: Exploring Biofiber Properties and their Influence on Critical Biocomposite Quality
SPU-13: Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified M2 High-Speed Steel by Multi-Beam Laser Melting
SPU-14: Open Cell Structure Volumetric Shrinkage in Additively Manufactured Alumina
SPU-15: Spark Plasma Sintering of Graphitic Matrix for TRISO Compact Fabrication
SPU-16: Synthesis of Spherical Uranium Dioxide Powder Feedstock for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
SPU-17: The Internal Temperature Profile of a Pyrometallurgical Furnace from External Fiber Optic Measurements using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)
SPU-18: Studying the Effects of Aging on the Structure and Properties of Off-eutectic Pb-Sn Solder Joints for In-space Applications
SPU-19: The Novel Creation of Nanoporous Metal Oxides via the Oxidative Dealloying of Mo-alloys
SPU-20: Understanding and Protecting Refractory High Entropy Alloys from High Temperature Oxidation through Use of High Entropy Rare Earth Oxide Coatings
SPU-21: Using Bound Powder Extrusion for Multi-materials
SPU-2: Advanced Porous Scaffolding Design using Electrospun Nano/Microfibers for Tunable 2-dimensional Cell Culture Applications
SPU-4: Functionalization and Performance Evaluation of Lignin-derived Carbon Fibers as Supercapacitor Electrodes
SPU-5: Investigating the Correlation Between Tip-to-collector Distance and Electrical Current during Near-field Electrospinning Process
SPU-6: Optimization of VaspSol Solvation Free Energy Predictions
SPU-7: Effects of LPBF Parameters on Fatigue Life of AlSi10Mg Alloys
SPU-8: Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Steels via Direct Reduction of Oxide Precursor Inks and Gas Carburization

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