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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title Thixomolded Magnesium: Quick, Light, and Mighty
Author(s) Tracy D. Berman
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tracy D. Berman
Abstract Scope Thixomolding is a semi-solid inject process that takes advantage of thixotropy, also known as shear thinning. Combining the lowered viscosity due to shearing with the relatively low melting point of magnesium alloys allows for cast metallic components that cool in seconds. This rapid solidification creates fine grain sizes and limits solute segregation. The Thixomolding process also leads to less porosity than is usually seen in die casting. This talk covers the history of Thixomolding with special emphasis given to Ray Decker’s contributions to the technology. Current and future applications of Thixomolded magnesium alloy components will also be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Magnesium, Mechanical Properties, Solidification


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Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
New Under the Sun
Nickel-base Alloys Development:Then and Now
Thixomolded Magnesium: Quick, Light, and Mighty

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