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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Laser Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials
Presentation Title Blue Laser Welding of Copper Foil
Author(s) Jonah Evan Duch, Jeffrey Rodelas, Peter Kinney, Jack Herrmann
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jonah Evan Duch
Abstract Scope Laser welding of copper, found in high reliability electronic applications, is difficult as absorbance in the infrared (IR) wavelength is approximately 2 and 5% respectively. Additionally, welding of sheet metal is difficult as small fluctuations can lead to blow throughs or lack of penetration defects. New blue laser welding power supplies finally offer a stable, high quality laser source to enable welding of sheet metal. This blue laser light allows for welding of IR reflective metals such as copper, which increases absorbance to 70%. To characterize blue laser welding, numerous welds were made on copper samples. Various parameter spaces were explored: pulse welds and continuous welds, welds under argon and air, and foil fixture development. Temperature measurements were taken to characterize the heat distribution. Microstructural features were characterized using µ-CT and SEM. From these results came a greater understanding of copper foil welding using blue light, and eventual weld qualification.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Joining, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt, Solidification


Analytical Prediction of Texture of Multi-Phase Material in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Blue Laser Welding of Copper Foil
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Experimental Study on the Influence of Scanning Speed and Powder Feeding Rate on the Interface Performance of T15 Laser Cladding Layer
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Investigation of Ablation Efficiency and Properties of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles Synthesised Using Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid
Leveraging Advances in Additive Manufacturing Thermal Models to Predict Behavior During Laser Sheet Metal Forming
Microstructural Evolution in Austenitic Stainless Steels During Laser Sheet Metal Forming
Optical Reflectance Tailoring of Powders for Laser-Based Sintering via Magnetron Sputtering
Scanning Laser Epitaxy(SLE) of High-Performance Ni Superalloy Pratt-&-Whitney Alloy 1480
Ultrafast Laser Dicing of Fused Silica Filled Epoxy Molding Compound (EMC): Process Mechanisms
Wear Characteristics of AL203 Ceramic Coatings Manufactured by Laser Cladding and Selective Laser Melting

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