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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium BSD/PCSA: Humanitarian Engineering Symposium
Presentation Title Service Learning and Ceramic Material Research on Point-of-Use Water Treatment Technologies for Use in Marginalized Communities
Author(s) Ian Nettleship
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ian Nettleship
Abstract Scope Globally, contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 485,000 diarrheal deaths each year. Understandably, many ceramic scientists and engineers wish to use their knowledge and skills to address this shocking circumstance. This presentation will describe a model of engagement based on 15 years of experience combining service learning with materials research on point-of-use water treatment technologies. At the heart of this approach are direct and enduring relationships between the ceramics research laboratory and non-for-profit organizations that work in the field. This allows: (i) research to be directly informed by experience in the field (ii) laboratory researchers to be trained in appropriate point-of-use technologies and (iii) the technological resources and infrastructure of the research organization to be leveraged in the service of marginalized communities. Examples will illustrate how these outcomes are achieved and describe technical problems that have been addressed. Finally, future directions for research will be discussed.


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Service Learning and Ceramic Material Research on Point-of-Use Water Treatment Technologies for Use in Marginalized Communities

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