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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Meeting Materials Challenges for the Future of Fusion Energy
Presentation Title Phase Field Fracture Modeling to Investigate the Integrity of Lithium Aluminate Pellets Used for Tritium Breeding
Author(s) Kranthi Balusu, Andrew Casella, Ayoub Soulami
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kranthi Balusu
Abstract Scope Tritium, the principal fuel for future fusion reactors, might rely on lithium aluminate (LiAlO₂) for breeding. Although these ceramic breeding pellets are already deployed in fission reactors, their integrity under more severe conditions must be determined to safely maximize tritium yield. In the reactor, defect-containing pellets undergo extensive microstructural changes. Therefore, a model to predict microstructure-informed fracture is required. In this study, we develop a modeling strategy using the phase field method for fracture within MOOSE software’s finite element framework. The strategy involves three steps: microstructure generation, model parameter determination, and prediction validation. Random microstructures for a representative volume element were based on characterization data of pellets before and after reactor deployment. Numerical model parameters were determined through convergence testing, and material parameters were calibrated using compressive tests on pre-irradiated pellets of different porosities and grain sizes. The simulation capability was validated with compressive strength tests on post-irradiated pellets.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Ceramics, Mechanical Properties, Modeling and Simulation


A Carbon Foam to SiC Conversion Technology for Flow Channel Inserts
A Machine Learned Potential for H Behavior in Dispersion-Strengthened W
Additive Manufacturing via Directed Energy Deposition of WTaCrV and WTaHfCrV Refractory High Entropy Alloys for Plasma Facing Components
Advancing the Scalable Fabrication of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel Plates
Annealing of Neutron Irradiated Tungsten to Assess the Stability of Irradiation Induced Transmutant Solute Clusters
Assessment of Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Obtaining Ferritic/Martensitic ODS
Benchmark Study of Three-Element Medium Entropy Alloy WTaV for Fusion Reactors Plasma-Facing Applications
Characterisation of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Nuclear Fusion Application
Current R&Ds on Advanced Breeding Functional Materials for JA DEMO Activities
Defect Phase Diagrams and Structure-Property Relationships for Screw Dislocations of Tungsten in the Presence of Hydrogen Studied by Atomistic Simulations
Demystify Radiation-Enhanced Hydrogen Isotope Diffusion
Design Strategy of PWHT-Free Reduced-Activation Bainitic Steel for Vacuum Vessel Components in Fusion Reactors
Development of Industrially Scalable High-Temperature Steels for Fusion Applications
Development of Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials for Modeling Transmutation Products in Fusion First Wall Materials
Development of Machine Learning Potential to Study Tritium Behavior in V-Alloy Blanket with Liquid Lithium Breeder
Development of SiC Composite Blanket for Fusion
Effect of Transmutation Products on Point Defect Energies in Tungsten From First-Principles and Machine Learning
Emerging Alloy Materials for Fusion Power
Enhanced Radiation Resistance of W-Based HEA Under Helium-Ion Irradiation Conditions
Exploration of Ferrous Alloys as Radiation Damage Resistant Materials for Fusion
F-10: In Situ Micropillar Compression Study of Ultra-Fine-Grained Tungsten at Elevated Temperature
F-11: RAFM Welding with In-Situ Thermal Processing for Simplified First Wall Fabrication
F-12: Synergetic Effects of Hydrogen on Cavity Formation in Candidate Fusion Blanket Materials: Past and Future Studies
F-9: Improved Damage Detection Around Grain Boundaries in Tungsten from Atomistic Calculations
First Principles Calculations of Fusion-Relevant Transmutation Defects in SiC
Fracture Toughness of F82H Steel After Neutron Irradiation to ~70 dpa at 400°C and 500°C
Functional Coating Development for Fusion Reactors
Hierarchical Multiscale Modeling Framework to Predict Surface Morphology of Plasma Facing Components
High Throughput Self-Ion Irradiation and Characterization of Pure Tungsten
Identification of Transmutation Products in Irradiated Tungsten
Impact Dynamics of High-Velocity Tungsten Dust in Fusion Reactors: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Impact of Soret Effect on Hydrogen and Helium Retention in PFC Tungsten Under ELM-Like Conditions
Innovative Lithium-Based Tritium Breeder Material with Promising Microstructure
Investigation Of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Cost-Effective Thermomechanically Processed Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys
Irradiation Experiments for Fusion Blanket Materials
Laser Additive Manufacturing of PFCs for Nuclear Fusion: Studying the Influence of Tungsten Deposition on RAFM Steel Using Multimodal Synchrotron Imaging
Material Characterization of Lateral Transmutation Gas Gradients in Triple-Ion Irradiated F82H-IEA
Micromechanical Investigation of WC for Shielding Applications in Compact Fusion Devices
Microstructural Changes in Ion and Neutron Irradiated REBCO-Based Magnet Materials for Fusion
Microstructure Modification of Tungsten by Alloying, Dispersion Strengthening, and Thermomechanical Processing for Fusion Energy Applications
Modeling of Dislocation Loop Evolution in Iron Through Kinetic Monte Carlo
Phase Field Fracture Modeling to Investigate the Integrity of Lithium Aluminate Pellets Used for Tritium Breeding
Physics-Based Evaluation of General Fusion Facility Concepts for a Prototypical Neutron Fusion Source
Processing and Irradiation Damage in Novel Tritium Breeding Ceramics with High Lithium Content
Progress and Issues of R&D on Fusion DEMO Structural Materials in Japan
Radiation Effects Challenges in High-Performance Materials
Refractory Alloy Processing Challenges for Next-Generation Energy Systems
Responses of Dispersion-Strengthened Tungsten to High Heat Flux and High Fluence Helium Irradiation
Scale-Up of Advanced Castable Nanostructured Alloys for Fusion First-Wall/Blanket Applications
Shrinking Pains – Materials Challenges in a More Compact Fusion Device
Simulating Plasma-Surface Interactions with Deuterium Beams Experiments: Effect of Tungsten Oxidation
Spark Plasma Sintering of Dispersion-Strengthened Tungsten for Fusion Applications
Synergistic Study of Neutron Irradiation and Hydrogen Exposure on Tungsten
Temperature Dependent Thermal-Mechanical Properties of Plasma-Facing Materials - W, SiC, and Fe-Cr Alloy
The Effect of Ion Irradiation Conditions on the Damage Morphology of a Tungsten Heavy Alloy
The Role of AI in Advancing Materials Development and Testing for Fusion Energy Deployment
The Role of Hydrogen Co-Injection on the Cavity Microstructure of Triple Ion Irradiated F82H-IEA
Thermal Permeation of Tungsten Wafers
Thermomechanical Processing of Tungsten and its Alloys for Fusion Energy Applications
Toward Understanding of the Response of SiC to Fusion Neutron Irradiation
Transmutations in Advanced Nuclear Ceramics Exposed to Fusion Environments
Tungsten-Based WTaVCr Refractory High Entropy Alloys for Fusion Energy Applications
Tungsten Boride Shielding Material for Fusion Reactors
Ultra High Temperature Ceramics for Fusion Energy Applications
Understanding the Role of Short-Range Order on Defect Thermodynamics in Tungsten Alloys
W-Cr Composite with Improved Fracture Toughness for Plasma-Facing Material: Fabrication and Mechanical Properties Characterization

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