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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling
Presentation Title Crack Nucleation and Propagation in Structural Alloys – Design and Certification Considerations
Author(s) Michael Gorelik
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Michael Gorelik
Abstract Scope There is a significant body of research work addressing micromechanical and physics-based modeling of fatigue phenomena in structural alloys, as well as their experimental characterization. This research has important practical implications in high-impact industries such as aerospace, medical and nuclear applications. However, in order to realize its full potential, it is important to understand how such modeling and experimental capabilities can support specific design objectives and certification requirements. This presentation will discuss how various elements of the “total life” approach, including crack nucleation, small crack growth and long crack growth, map into design and certification considerations for aviation applications. The intent is to provide scientists typically working in the lower TRL domain with a better understanding of the practical implications of their research from the end-user perspective, including design, qualification and certification of high criticality aircraft and engine components produced using both conventional and advanced manufacturing technologies
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A Machine Learning Model to Predict Fatigue Progression Using 3D Topology Data of Materials Obtained from X-ray Microscope
A Novel Multiaxial Strain-Life Approach for Nickel-base Superalloys
Build Orientation and Stress Ratio Effects on the Fatigue Crack Growth Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fused Ti-6Al-4V
Capturing Spatial Fields of Deformation ahead of Fatigue Cracks in Alloys Using Dictionary-based Data Reduction Strategies on In Situ High-energy X-ray Diffraction Data
Characterising Fatigue Crack Tip Deformation States in Nickel Base Superalloys: Slip Character, Strain Accumulation and Oxidation Effects
Characterization of Low-Cycle Fatigue Deformation Behavior at RT/200 °C of FeMnAlC Lightweight Steel for Low-Pressure Turbine Blade
Computation of Stress Intensity Factors by A Phase-Field Fracture Approach
Contributions of Oxidation and Creep to High Temperature Fatigue Crack Susceptibility in Waspaloy
Correlation Between Microstructure and Fatigue Properties of Complex-phase Steel
Crack Nucleation and Propagation in Structural Alloys – Design and Certification Considerations
Critical Effect of Volumetric Defects in High Cycle Fatigue of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Crystal-Plasticity Modeling of Monotonic and Cyclic Softening in Inconel 718 Superalloy
Defect Tolerance of Cu Alloyed and Precipitation Hardened Steels with Different C Contents
Deformation Mechanisms of CoCrNi and CoCrFeMnNi MPEAs under Low-cycle Fatigue Loading: Comparison and Correlation with Lifetime
Dwell Fatigue Behavior of a Fine-grain Ni-based Superalloy 718 at High Temperature: From Strain Localization to Crack Initiation
Early Stages of Fatigue Crack Initiation in the Cast and Wrought Polycrystalline Nickel-base Superalloy AD730TM
Effects of Frequency and Dwell on the Fatigue Crack Propagation in Single Crystal Ni-based Superalloy CMSX-4 at Intermediate Temperatures
Fatigue and Inclusions in NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: High-magnification Observations of Damage and Crack Formation at Particle/Void Assemblies
Fatigue Crack Initiation in Very High Cycle Fatigue of C103
Fatigue Crack Propagation in Plasticity Mismatched Bi-material Steels Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Fatigue Damage Evolution in Duplex Steel Investigated by µLaue Diffraction Using a 3D Energy-dispersive Detector
Fracture Mechanics Based Approach for Fatigue Assessment of Ultra-High Strength Steels
Framework to Model Single crystal and Directionally Solidified Nickel Base Superalloys under a Wide Range of Monotonic, Cyclic, Thermomechanical Fatigue and Creep Fatigue Conditions
From Slip Activity to Fatigue Crack Nucleation at Basal Twist Grain Boundaries in Titanium Alloys
Grain Scale Deformation Study of a Nickel-based Superalloy under Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Utilizing Crystal Plasticity Simulations and High-energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy
High-throughput Characterization of Small Crack Growth Behavior in Ti-6-4
High Cycle Fatigue of a Novel Additively Manufactured Al-Ni-Ti-Zr Alloy with a Heterogeneous Microstructure
High Resolution Microcrack Growth Analysis in Thermomechanical Fatigue Loading
Hydrogen Impact on Cyclic Behavior of Titanium Alloys Questioned in Term of Dislocation Pattern and Internal Stresses: Some Consequences on Damage
In-site Characterisation of Load Shedding in Macrozones during Dwell Fatigue in Ti-64 Alloy
Influence of Build Orientation on High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Mechanisms in Inconel 718 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Effects of Temperature and Hold Time
Integrated Computational Modeling to Link Process with Fatigue Behavior for Metal Additive Manufacturing
Intelligent Data-guided Process Design for Fatigue-resistant Steel Components with Bainitic Microstructure (iBain)
Investigation of Irreversible Slip and Intragranular Lattice Rotations in Polycrystalline Inconel 718 during Cyclic Loading
Investigation of the Impact of Residual Stresses on Short Crack Propagation in Martensitic Spring Steel
M-18: Comparison of Defect Structures and Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Specimens from Two Different L-PBF Machines
M-19: Creep and Dwell Fatigue Studies of Ti-7Al with High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy and Acoustic Emission Measurements
M-20: Fatigue Behavior of 304SS using Synchrotron X-ray Tomography and Diffraction
M-21: Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth Behaviour Within Various Notch Geometries in the Low-cycle Fatigue Regime of FV566 In-service Steam Turbine Blade Material
M-22: Fatigue Evaluation of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel
Machine Learning Segmentation Methods for Fatigue Fracture Surface Defect Analyses
Mechanism of Microstructural Decay from a Detailed Characterization of 52100 Bearing Steel after Rolling Contact Fatigue
Mitigating Localized Plastic Strain Accumulation in Cyclic Loading of Polycrystalline Shape Memory Ceramics: A Phase-field Study
Modeling Fatigue Resistance in Additively Manufactured Alloys with Porosity Defects
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Thermal Evolution of Voids in Cu Bulk and Grain Boundaries
Monitoring of Fatigue Evolution by In-Situ Measurement Methods and Micromagnetic Analysis
On Fatigue Crack Initiation with Fine Granular Area in Metal Matrix without Defect during Very High Cycle Fatigue
On the Low Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of AA7075-T651 in Ultra-high Vacuum Environments
On the Mechanism of Cyclic Plastic Accumulation in a Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Superalloy.
Predicting Microstructurally Sensitive Fatigue-crack Path in WE43 Magnesium Using High-fidelity Numerical Modeling and Three-dimensional Experimental Characterization
PRISMS-Fatigue Framework: Effects of Sample Size, Grain Neighborhood, and Surface Roughness on Extreme Value Fatigue Response
Role of Non-Metallic Inclusions in the Fatigue Behavior of Superelastic Nitinol
Sensitivity of Fatigue Crack Growth Lives to Sustained Thermal Gradients
Slip Localization, Slip Transfer at Grain Boundaries and Crack Initiation during Fatigue of Solution-hardened Ni-based Superalloys
Strain Localisation in Engineering Alloys – Quantifying Discrete Shear to Improve Understanding of Plasticity and Crack Initiation
The Influence of Ex-service Steel Turbine Blade Microstructural Variability on Fatigue Behaviour and Lifetime Extension Approaches
The Role of Cellular Microstructures on the Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Al Alloys
Ultrasonic Fatigue Investigations for High and Very-High Cycle Fatigue Applications of A356 Cast Aluminum Alloys
Using Computer Vision to Identify Crack Initiation and Link to Fatigue Life
Very-high Cycle Fatigue Lives of High-temperature Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Fatigue

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