About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Mechanical Behavior of Nuclear Reactor Components
Presentation Title |
Development of Modified 3Cr-3WVTa Base Bainitic Steels for Fusion Structural Applications |
Author(s) |
Yukinori Yamamoto, Roger G Miller, Arthur F Rowcliffe |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Yukinori Yamamoto |
Abstract Scope |
Development of a modified 3Cr-3WVTa base bainitic steel is currently in progress, targeting lifetime structural component applications in next generation fusion devices such as the helium cooled vacuum vessels operating up to 450°C and the blanket support structures up to 550°C. Major goal is to achieve high-temperature mechanical properties comparable or superior to existing commercial bainitic or ferritic-martensitic (F-M) steels together with no requirement of a post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), to allow a significant cost/time reduction of large-scale component construction and eliminate the design limitation. Alloy modification focused on reducing inhomogeneous cross-weld mechanical properties without PWHT, which was successfully achieved through a design strategy to increase the hardenability and reduce the hardness in as-normalized condition, by tailoring minor alloying additions. The alloy selection and property evaluation will be discussed. Research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |