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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications
Presentation Title Sub-critical Crack Initiation, Coalescence and Propagation in Nuclear Graphite Studied by High-speed Pink Beam Synchrotron Tomography
Author(s) Thomas Zillhardt, Dong (Lilly) Liu, James Marrow
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Thomas Zillhardt
Abstract Scope The United Kingdom has fourteen active Advanced Gas-Cooled moderated by Gilsocarbon graphite, a polygranular quasi-brittle that also acts as a neutron reflector and as a structural component. The development of keyway root cracking in graphite is a potential limiting factor for the lifetime of the AGRs. Gilsocarbon graphite is a heterogeneous material that contains many defects at different length scales which are distributed in both the matrix and the filler particles. To understand how keyway root cracking may be affected by microstructural differences, we have studied how damage occurs and is accommodated at the microstructural level, prior to fracture, and observed the initiation, nucleation, coalescence and propagation of sub-critical cracks, and we have also made observations of microstructural damage leading to brittle fracture. This has been made possible with the use of advanced characterization techniques at the PSICHE beamline, where we have carried out in-situ high-speed continuous X-Ray tomography.
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Evaluation and Irradiation of 14YWT Capacitive Discharge Resistance Welds
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Fabrication, Characterisation and Oxidation Resistance of an Innovative Composite Fuel: UN Microspheres Embedded in UO2 Matrix
Improved Techniques for Determining Local Thermal Transport in Composite Nuclear Fuels
Irradiation Induced Forced Chemical Mixing and Local Hardening in Mechanically-processed Immiscible Zr/Nb Multilayers
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Novel Fiber Fretting Technique for Tribological Properties of Composite Interphases
Opportunities for Nanostructured Tungsten Alloys in Composite Fusion Materials
Overview of the Westinghouse Accident Tolerant and High Burnup Fuel Program
Post-irradiation Examinations of TRISO Particles Corroded in Molten FLiBe Salt under Neutron Irradiation
Radiation Tolerance and Microstructural Changes of Nanocrystalline Cu-Ta Alloy to High Dose Self-ion Irradiation
SiGA SiC-SiC Composites Development for Accident Tolerant Fuel
Solving the Brittleness Problem of Tungsten - Tungsten Fibre-reinforced Tungsten Composites
Sub-critical Crack Initiation, Coalescence and Propagation in Nuclear Graphite Studied by High-speed Pink Beam Synchrotron Tomography
Synthesis and Irradiation Response of Hetero FeCr - Fe2O3 Interfaces
Tristructural Isotropic (TRISO) Fuel for High-Temperature, Passively-Safe Nuclear Reactors
Tungsten-based High and Medium Entropy Alloys and Composites for Nuclear Applications
Tungsten Fibre-reinforced Copper – A High-Conductivity, High-Strength Composite Material for Plasma-facing Component Applications
Understanding Defect Recovery and Accommodation and Their Implications on Mechanical Performance in Irradiated Nanocomposite Materials
Uranium Nitride Advanced Fuel: An Evaluation of the Oxidation Resistance of Coated and Doped Grains
Use of Carbon Fibre-reinforced Carbon in Wendelstein 7-X
W2C-reinforced Tungsten: A Promising Candidate for DEMO Divertor Material

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