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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advances in Materials and Systems for a Hydrogen Economy
Presentation Title Adsorption and Dissociation of Hydrogen on Iron and Iron Oxide Surfaces Under Supercritical Conditions
Author(s) Hao Zhang, Meifeng Li, Jing Liu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hao Zhang
Abstract Scope Studies show that the hydrogen uptake into pipeline and casing steels in high-pressure hydrogen environments may be very different from the cathodic hydrogen produced in aqueous solutions. In the current study, the thermodynamics of H2 at a wide combination of temperatures (300 - 900 K) and pressures (0.1 - 100 MPa) has first been established based on a lattice-molecule model for predicting the adsorption and dissociation of gaseous and supercritical H2 (s-H2) on the Fe-based steel surface. The configurations of H2 adsorption and dissociation on Fe (100) and Fe2O3 (001) surfaces were investigated through the density functional theory calculation. Compared to the gaseous H2, s-H2 was likely to be more active on the iron and its oxide surface in terms of dissociating into H atoms. The results also confirmed that the presence of the Fe2O3 scale could protect pipeline steels from environmental hydrogen permeation under the investigated high-pressure conditions.


Adsorption and Dissociation of Hydrogen on Iron and Iron Oxide Surfaces Under Supercritical Conditions
Advanced Electrochemical Systems for Hydrogen Economy: Technology Status and Development Needs
Advances in Hydrogen Barrier Coatings – An Overview.
Analysis of Integrated Wind-Hydrogen Systems for Industrial Decarbonization
Application of Local Strain Theory for Predicting Notch Fatigue Testing in Hydrogen-Charged Austenitic Stainless Steel
Compatibility of Existing Natural Gas Pipeline Materials with Hydrogen
Computational Simulation of Hydrogen DRI (HDRI) Pellets Immersed in Molten Steel and Slag
Degradation of Spinel Refractories in Dry (Ar - 10% H2) and Humid Hydrogen (Ar - 10% H2-3% H2O) Environment
Dynamic Nano and Microscale Processes in Hydrogen Charged Metals and Alloys
Effect of Additives on Hydrogen Equilibrium Pressure and Absorption Rates in Yttrium Hydride
Effect of Chemically Heterogeneous Microstructure on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Martensitic Steel
Effects of Oxygen Impurities on Long-Term Gaseous Hydrogen Embrittlement of Structural Steels
Efficient Hydrogen Production from Recycled Aluminum and Seawater
Fatigue and Fracture of Structural Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen Environments
Ferritic Interconnect Materials in SOEC – Challenges and Degradation from Ambient Temperature to 900°C
Fundamental Atomistic Study of H-Defect Interactions to Predict H Segregation Energy Spectra
Hydrogen Embrittlement in Micro-Alloyed Ultra High Strength Press Hardening Steel (PHS)
Imaging the Nanoscale Hydrogen Distribution in an Austenitic Stainless Steel (347H) Using Atom Probe Tomography
Insights into Hydrogen Embrittlement of AA7075 Aluminum Alloy Fabricated by Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Insights into Hydrogen Separation from Simulations
Investigations in Hydrogen Ironmaking
Material Discovery and Design Principles of Perovskite Oxides for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
Modeling and Experimental Studies of Hydrogen Effects on the Materials Used for Storage and Transport
Modeling and Valuation of Hydrogen Toward Multiple Energy Pathways and Grid Applications
Multi-Layer, Multi-Functional Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings for Heat Engines
Multiscale Simulations of Materials Degradation for Hydrogen Production and Storage
N-6: Effect of Cyclic Hydrogen Charging on Shot-Peening Steel with Surface Compressive Residual Stresses
Overview of U.S. DOE’s Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (R-SOFC) Program
Refractory Ceramic Interactions with Medium Temperature Hydrogen-Containing Atmospheres
The Less Discussed Impact of High Temperature (> 500 °C) Hydrogen Induced Degradation of Austenitic Ni- and Fe-Based Alloys
Understanding the Creep Properties of 347H Austenitic Stainless Steels under Hydrogen-Containing Environments
Unraveling the Influence of Hydrogen and Blended Gas on Polymer Performance in Infrastructure Systems
Zero-Electricity Electrolytic Reactor Produces Hydrogen and Syngas for Onsite Energy, Fuel, and Feedstocks

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