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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Presentation Title From Molecular Interactions to Macroscopic Properties: Studying Protein-based Structural Materials Across the Scales
Author(s) Hannes C. Schniepp
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Hannes C. Schniepp
Abstract Scope Proteins are the building blocks for some materials with outstanding mechanical properties, such as spider silk, which rivals the strength of steel. Given that interactions between protein molecules are only based on “weak” secondary interactions, such as hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces, this is quite surprising. To understand this phenomenon, we have studied spider silk across the length scale with a plethora of experimental and computational techniques, including vibrational spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, X-ray diffraction, as well as AFM imaging and force spectroscopy. We have developed a sophisticated multi-scale model of the structure and interactions between the different components of this hierarchical material, which has allowed us to establish a trace between molecular-scale interactions and macroscopic mechanical properties. This approach provides a deep understanding of existing materials and an assessment of the potential of future designer materials based on proteins and peptides.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Sustainability, Mechanical Properties


A Carbon-negative Self-healing Construction Materials
An Insight into Cellular Protein Mechanics during Cancer Progression
Antimicrobial Peptide-polymer Hybrids Towards Next Generation Dental Adhesives
Chemical, Thermal and Bio-responsive Polystyrene Based-photonic Crystals: A Concise Review
Dental Application of Nano-Zirconia
DNA-templated Dye Aggregate Design for Excitonic Applications
Enzymatic Mechanism of Self-healing in Concrete and Carbon-negative Construction Material
From Molecular Interactions to Macroscopic Properties: Studying Protein-based Structural Materials Across the Scales
Hierarchical Surface Restructuring for Next Generation Implantable Neural Interfacing Applications
Influence of Fluid Flow on Inducing Bone Metastasis through use of a Novel Bioreactor with In Vitro Cancer Models
Influence of Nanoscale Hydration on the Micro-structural Properties of Human Cortical Bone
Multi-functional Peptide-mediated Intrafibrillar Remineralization for Dental Tissue Repair
Nanostructural Bone Remodeling at the Interface to Mg Implants
Self-assembled Flavoprotein Putrescine Oxidase System Offers Enhanced Thermal Stability
Sisal-inspired Multilevel Structure for Fog Collection Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing and Surface Modification

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