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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Complex Microstructures and Architecture Design
Presentation Title Alloy and Process Modification for Microstructure Control in Additively Manufactured Alloys
Author(s) Christian Leinenbach, Seth Griffiths, Anthony De Luca, Ariyan Arabi-Hashemi
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Christian Leinenbach
Abstract Scope Up until now, most of AM-related research has been focused on the optimization of the process parameters with the goal to produce equiaxed and defect-free microstructures. Only recently, several re-searchers started to study how the microstructure in AM fabricated parts can be manipulated by modifying the composition of the alloys. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the combination of alloy and process modification can be used to manipulate the phase and microstructure formation and thus the properties of parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). In particular, we will summarize the results of some ongoing projects at Empa such as the microstructure formation and manipulation during LPBF of a novel high-strength Al alloys, the site-specific control of microstructure and magnetic properties in a high-nitrogen stainless steel by in-situ alloy modification, or the mitigation of cracks in a Ni superalloy.


Additive Manufacturing of Pure Magnesium
Alloy and Process Modification for Microstructure Control in Additively Manufactured Alloys
Application of Photodiode Sensor for Contour Extraction of Part Features in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Control of Nanoscale Lamellae in Bulk Al-Cu Eutectic Samples Through Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Cracking in Additively Manufactured Refractory Metals
Engineering the Plasticity of SLM Steel via Crystallographic Texture Control
Evaluation of Microstructure in Multi Bead Ti-6Al-4V
Fabrication of High Temperature High Strength Austenitic Steels by Laser Powder-bed Fusion
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Single-crystalline-like Stainless Steel 316L; From Samples to Parts
Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties of a Newly Designed Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructure of Alloy 247LC Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Mitigating Stray Grain Nucleation during the Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Single Crystal CMSX-4
Modeling of Grain Growth in Metal Printing
Secondary Orientation Preference of Ni-based Superalloy Single Crystals Produced via Electron Beam Melting
Synchrotron X-ray Studies on Additive Manufacturing and Materials
The Structure of Cellular Features in Additively Manufactured 316L

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