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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications III
Presentation Title Impact of (U,Zr)C Carbon Stoichiometry on Thermal Properties
Author(s) Joseph Schaeperkoetter, Scarlett Widgeon Paisner, Kenneth McClellan , Joshua White, Brian Taylor, Jhonathan Rosales, Erofili Kardoulaki
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Joseph Schaeperkoetter
Abstract Scope Nuclear thermal rocket propulsion improves the ratio of thrust to fuel consumption rate by nearly a factor of two compared to chemical rockets, but to achieve this high efficiency the nuclear reactor must be operated at temperatures around ~3000 K. UxZr1-xC1±δ fuel compositions demonstrate promising chemical stability as well as thermal and mechanical properties, but these properties are strongly dependent on the stoichiometry at the carbon site, where it has previously been shown that the melting point reaches a maximum at 95% occupancy of the carbon site and then falls off quickly in either direction. This talk will look at a series of carbon stoichiometries, ranging from hypo- to hyper-stoichiometric, and the impact that this carbon stoichiometry has on secondary phase formation, susceptibility to oxidation, as well as temperature dependent thermal and mechanical properties.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, High-Temperature Materials,


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Analyzing Advanced Composite Shield Materials for Fusion and Space Reactor Applications
Computational Simulation on Irradiation Damage in GaAs-Based Betavoltaic Batteries
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Densification of 3D Printed Composite Ceramics via Spark Plasma Sintering
Determination of Interface Properties of W/EUROFER Coating on Steel Substrate by Phased Array Ultrasonic and Fracture Mechanical Testing
Developing and Testing Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion-Relevant Conditions
Developing Methods to Predict Failure and Crack Growth Using Small Angle Scattering Techniques
Development of High-Temperature-Steam Resistant UN via the Addition of UB2
Development of Tungsten Fiber-Reinforced Tungsten Composites for Fusion Application
Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Three-Parameter Weibull Analysis of Graphite
Equivariant Neural Network Force Fields for 11-Cation Chloride Molten Salts System
Impact of (U,Zr)C Carbon Stoichiometry on Thermal Properties
Irradiation Tolerance and Molten Salt Compatibility of Beryllium Carbide – A Candidate High Temperature Moderator Material
Material Bonding Layered Metallic and Ceramic Composites Using Continuous Electric-Field Assisted Sintering
Mechanical and Irradiation Behaviors in Low-Textured Pyrolytic Carbon
Microstructural Evolution of Tungsten Boride Neutron Shielding Materials Under Radiation
On the Reduced Damage Tolerance of Fine-Grained Nuclear Graphite at Elevated Temperatures Using In Situ 4D Tomographic Imaging
Perspectives on Raman Spectroscopy for Carbon-Based Nuclear Materials
Radiation Resistance of Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys Produced via Various Methods
Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Applications
Thermal Stability of Powder Metallurgically Manufactured Tungsten Fiber-Reinforced Tungsten Composites at 1450 °C
TRISO Coating Layer Failure Analysis
Tritium Breeder Composites for Fusion Applications
Understanding Fission Product Behaviour in Ion-Implanted Graphite

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