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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Ni-Co 2021: The 5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt
Presentation Title Influence of the Cemented Carbides Composition on the Disintegration in Liquid Zinc
Author(s) Tamara Ebner, Stefan Luidold, Christoph Czettl, Christian Storf
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tamara Ebner
Abstract Scope The recycling of cemented carbides at the end of their product life cycle is of particular economic, ecological and strategic importance. These composite materials, mainly consisting of tungsten carbide embedded in a Co binder, can be recycled by the so-called zinc process. This research investigates the disintegration of cemented carbides in an excess of liquid zinc in dependence of the WC grain size as well as the Co content of the material, temperature and duration. The data indicate highest disintegration rates at low grain size, average Co content and temperatures as well as a high duration regarding the experimental limits. Therefore, this study provides insight concerning the recyclability of certain cemented carbide grades and discusses the ongoing phenomena.
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A Novel Process to Reduce SO2 Emissions during Electric Furnace Smelting of Sulphides
A Review of Nickel Pyrometallurgy over the Past 50 Years with Special Reference to the Former INCO Ltd and Falconbridge Ltd.
A Sustainable Oxalate Process for Recovery of Metals from LiCoO2: Experimental and Modeling Study
Additive Manufacturing of 3D Microlattice Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes: A Review
Alkaline Leaching of Nickel from Electric Arc Furnace Dust Using Ammonia-ammonium Glutamate as Lixiviant
An Innovative Beneficiation Process Developed for Jinchuan Nickel Ore Resources
BATCircle – Towards CO2 Low Battery Recycling
Chemical Leaching of Inactive Gold Mine Tailings as Secondary Source of Cobalt and Nickel – A Preliminary Case Study
Continuous Improvement of Process Advisor Optimizing Furnace Model
Effect of Fluorine on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Nickel-based Alloys
Effective Treatment of Domestic US Cobalt Ores and Concentrates
EPD Distinguished Lecture: Ferronickel - Thermodynamics, Chemistry, and Economics
Establishing a Domestic Cobalt Supply Chain: Unlocking Challenging Feedstocks
Fluxing Optimisation and Control Improvements at the Kalgoorlie Nickel Smelter
Global Electrification of Electric Vehicles and Intertwined Material Supply Chains of Cobalt, Copper and Nickel
Influence of the Cemented Carbides Composition on the Disintegration in Liquid Zinc
Introductory Comments: EPD Distinguished Lecture
Introductory Comments: Ni-Co 2021: The 5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt
Microbial Leaching for Recovery of Nickel & Cobalt from Lateritic Ore, A Review
One-step Extraction of Nickel from Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by Iron Addition
PGM Furnace Design, Construction, Improvement and Performance Optimisation
Preparation of Refractory Materials by Co-sintering of Ferronickel Slag and Ferrochromium Slag: Thermodynamic Analysis
Real-time Fe End-point Determination at Sudbury INO Smelter Finishing Converter Using Thermodynamic Process Simulation
Refining of Mixed Sulphide Precipitate to Produce Battery Grade Metals Using Outotec Pressure Oxidation Process
Selective Sulfidation and Electrowinning of Nickel and Cobalt for Lithium Ion Battery Recycling
Separating and Recovering Cobalt and Iron from Co, Fe-bearing Metallurgical Slag via Acid Leaching Process
Starved Acid Leaching Technology for Nickel and Cobalt Recovery from Lean Resources
Study on CFD and Oxygen Lance Injection Technology of High Nickel Ternary Cathode Material Roasting Process in Roller Hearth Furnace
Sulfuric Acid Leaching for Low-nickel Matte under Atmospheric Pressure
Sustainable Developments in Nickel Recovery Process
The Effect of Cu, Al and Fe Impurities on Leaching Efficiency of Two Lithium-ion Battery Waste Fractions
The Increasing Use of Nickel in the 21st Century
The Role of Nickel in Batteries
“Around the Nickel World in Eighty Days” A Virtual Tour of World Nickel Sulphide and Laterite Operations and Technologies

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