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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanics and Physiological Adaptation of Hard and Soft Biomaterials and Biological Tissues
Presentation Title Spatial Adaptation of Bone Lacuno-canalicular Network to High Mineral Demand in Lactation
Author(s) Claire Acevedo
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Claire Acevedo
Abstract Scope Perilacunar/canalicular remodeling (PLR) involves osteocytes modifying the bone matrix by secreting matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and resorptive enzymes. PLR plays a crucial role in maintaining bone quality and mineral balance. Lactation triggers PLR and mineral release from the bone matrix, resulting in decreased bone mass and increased lacunar volume. Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP13) was studied in lactation-induced PLR using osteocyte-specific MMP13 knockout (MMP13ocy-/-) and control mice (WT) using synchrotron X-ray radiation micro-tomography. Lactation decreased bone volume and cortical thickness (from the endosteum surface), while the periosteal region remained unaffected. Lactating MMP13ocy-/- mice showed smaller decreases compared to controls. Larger lacunae undergoing PLR were found near bone canals or the endosteum, facilitating efficient calcium release. Lactating WT mice experienced increased lacunar volume, while MMP13ocy-/- mice did not. These findings highlight the essential role of osteocyte-intrinsic MMP13 in lactation-induced PLR near lacunae in the intracortical/endosteum bone but not for whole-bone resorption.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Machine Learning,


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