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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Corrosion Behavior in Advanced Nuclear Reactor Environments II
Presentation Title Development and Construction of a Liquid Lead-Lithium Loop at UNM
Author(s) Xavier Angus, Sergey Smolentsev, Bruce Pint, Claude De lamater-Brotherton, Marie Romedenne, G. Ivan Maldonado, Nicholas Brown, Quang Son, Michael Trombetta, Daniel Levario, Osman Anderoglu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xavier Angus
Abstract Scope Studying the challenges associated with lead-lithium eutectic, especially structural materials compatibility of liquid lead-lithium is necessary to ensure the long-term viability of a lead-lithium-cooled blanket for use in a fusion reactor. This project involves the design and construction of a forced convection lead-lithium loop out of SS316 to test corrosion rates at high flow rates (up to 1 m/s) and temperatures (up to 500° C) in the presence of an external magnetic field. The key components of this loop include removable tubing sections for inserting test material, a high-powered electromagnet (~2T), and a capacity of three gallons of lead-lithium. The electromagnet enables pressure drop studies and corrosion tests at high magnetic fields, simulating the environment in a blanket. The loop also incorporates various instrumentation such as a Venturi flow meter and differential pressure sensors for MHD and flow accelerated corrosion studies.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials,


Alumina Scale Stability Under Combined High Temperature Liquid Metal Corrosion and Neutron Irradiation
Corrosion of Advanced Materials Exposed to High Temperature Helium
Development and Construction of a Liquid Lead-Lithium Loop at UNM
Effects of Sodium Exposure on Tensile Properties of Advanced Reactor Materials
Evaluating Compatibility of Structural Materials for a FLiBe Fusion Breeder Blanket
Evaluation of Compatibility of Steel, Vanadium Materials and Steel-Insulator-Steel Structures With High Temperature Liquid Lithium
Impact of Oxidation and Helium Irradiation-Induced Defects in Fe-18Cr Samples
In-Situ Characterization of Heavy Liquid Metal Eutectic During Corrosion Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS)
Influence of Proton Irradiation on Corrosion in Liquid Lead
Liquid Lithium Corrosion of Structural Fusion Materials
Microstructural Evolution in 316L Stainless Steel Under Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Corrosion
Thermomechanical, Lead Corrosion and Thermal Stability Assessment of Innovative Alumina Forming Austenitic Alloys for LFRs

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